The Most Embarrassing Thing that Happened to Me Today
I was trapped in the 2nd to last stall of the women's restroom for 20 minutes when the latch thing broke off in my hand. The maintenance guy had to come in and take the door off it's hinges. Even if I could crawl under the door, it would have to be a life or death situation to get my butt crawling on that disgusting tile.
Couldn't go over? You might have considered breaking the door? Are you sure you weren't in there smoking? What is the women's room like? Tile? I thought you people had shag carpeting, a disco ball, musicians, a full bar, all types of people to take care of all types of your hygiene needs, and a special area for jello fights, pillow fights, and hot oil wrestling. This is what I thought the women's room was like. Sherri, don't ruin my dream, just say it's so and we will leave it at that. LOL.
Wait, you're saying this was the most embarrassing thing to happen today? Has something else happened recently to qualify as the most embarrassing thing to happen this week? This month? Do tell.
Ha ha ha - I've never been in a women's bathroom with the
accoutrements mentioned by Thomas... where on earth would he get that idea?
How did they find you in there? Cell phone? That IS embarrassing... glad you were rescued.
Did you scream for help and sob with joy when you were finally rescued?
Thomas - I won't burst your bubble. :) That is exactly how our restroom is layed out. LOL
Seriously, I'm not a smoker, so, I wasn't smoking. My friend Sandy was in the restroom at the same time that I was so she went and got the maintenance guy for me.
Jessica, much much worse has happened qualify as the most embarrassing thing to have happened to me this month. I can't go into detail, I'm too embarrassed to.
Grin! Remind me to tell you some of my maintenance stories sometime.
I'll do that bryan. :D
Good to see you again.
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