I was just thinking.....
- I would love to see my work place nemesis totally humiliate herself in front of the masses. Yesterday at the PTL class Greg asked me where I was during the Invivo luncheon. I explained to Greg that I had 'hot parts' to inspect. My work place nemesis bursts out hilariously laughing and says "Pop tarts?? You ate pop tarts?" What the hell!?! If you're going to dip into my conversation, at least get your facts straight before you try to make me look like an ass!
- Sometimes I just want to run away. I pulled into the parking lot this morning and the urge to flee just absolutely consumed me. Flashing before my eyes, I could see me, 10 years from now, pulling into the same parking spot, feeling the same sinking feeling of dread as I headed up to the door of my building. For a split second, I actually considered hopping in the jeep.
- Someone should invent something to keep a bar of soap from becoming squishy in the shower. I am absolutely grossed out by squishy soap. This morning, I grabbed the soap from the shower tray and it literally disintegrated in the palm of my hand. I was left with a handful of slime. Ack!
- Why do people become so attached to work place objects? I 'borrowed' the label maker that was bought for this end of the building from the RMA center. I've had it approximately 6 work hours. They have already requested it back twice. It was sitting in a fricking drawer collecting dust over there! Because I feel like being a bitch, I'm going to hang on to it for the rest of the day, even though I'm done using it. I may even hang on to it until Friday, just to see how many times they request it back.
- I absolutely love the red Life Savers jelly beans. Just wanted to throw that one in there.
She's a bitch. I luv Pop Tarts.
fuzzbox, I luv pop tarts too. This woman is an absolute skank. She doesn't brush her teeth, her clothes always look dirty, and she thinks she's absolutely gorgeous. She's insanely jealous of me, so every chance she gets, she tries to make me feel like an ass.
Who doesn't love Pop Tarts? When I was a teenager, I vowed that I would always have chocolate milk and Pop Tarts in the house when I grew up. Who knew that I'd start gaining weight when I turned twenty?
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