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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

A joke to end the day

The boss was in a quandary. He had to lay someone off. He had it narrowed down to one of two people: Beck Smith or John Kimball. It was an impossible decision, they were both good workers.

Rather then flip a coin, he decided he would fire the first one to use the water cooler the following morning.

Becky came in the next morning with a horrible hangover after partying all night. She went to the water cooler to take an aspirin.

The boss approached her and said, "Becky, I've never done this before, but I have to either lay you or jack off."

"Could you jack off?" she asked. "I feel like shit."

on a side note: My home computer is still on the fritz, looks like I'll have to take it in and get it looked at. It's really bumming me out, I miss cruising around on the net at home. :(


Blogger :P fuzzbox said...

Hope you get 'er up and running soon. 'Til then what's on tv these days anyway?

4:39 PM  
Blogger Big Mama said...

Oh, that was funny! I wish we lived closer, my hubby fixes computers, he is a Systems Admin. I would have him all over that in a heartbeat. Good luck, hopefully it is just a minor inexpensive glitch.

9:00 PM  
Blogger Crazy Me said...

I'm telling this joke at work tomorrow. Thanks!

12:30 AM  
Blogger Thomas J Wolfenden said...


6:37 AM  
Blogger Jay Noel said...

Great joke...I'm going to have to use it soon.

I hope your 'puter gets fixed soon.

8:42 AM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

fuzzbox, a whole lotta nothing!! Judge shows and infomercials.... Ugh!

big mama, wish you lived closer too! LOL I'm hoping it's a simple fix.

crazy me, no problem, enjoy!

ranger tom, :D

phoenix, I have to bring it in yet. I'm the worlds worst procastinator.

ranea, I never remember jokes unless I get them in an email. LOL

1:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Sherri-

You are my "mystery" link for the week.
Here's hoping you see some unique traffic.


8:10 AM  

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