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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Monday, June 12, 2006

This week at Otsego Place.....

  • Crazy Office Supply Julie has earned the name tenfold. Several of the production managers have asked me what's up with my best friend. I merely told them I had put in a good word for them as well. One of these days, I just KNOW I'm going to find some cryptic little note scrawled on a piece of stationery, warning me of my impending murder.
  • One of our engineering associates has abruptly quit his job, packed up himself and his daughter, and moved to Washington over the weekend. Apparently the whole plant heard before his boss, and wife, however. When the wife called the boss to inquire if her husband had showed up for work, the boss told her he may have called in sick. Yikes!! (It may interest everyone to know this little tidbit of information - Missing Engineering Associate was VERY close friends with Crazy Office Supply Julie. Hmmm.....)
  • It has been discovered that one of the floor associates has a restraining order out against Crazy Office Supply Julie. (Imagine that!) Because she has been told that she CAN NOT be within 50 ft of this individual, she has taken it upon herself to walk past her as often as possible. The woman in question with the restraining order? She's a 78 year old woman who has recently been the victim of a scandal and lost thousands of dollars in her daughters nasty divorce. It has also been discovered, the ex husbands first wife was the sister to a current employee, when she had discovered that he was cheating on her, she committed suicide. (Oh, the tangled webs we weave)
  • The new head cheese officially starts his day here, today. Such a wonderful day, all is well, everything running like a finely tuned machine..... Not!! First thing this morning our 11,000 gallon nitrogen tank runs completely out, shutting down the one line in the building that NEEDS to be running constantly. The one line in our building that has such an overwhelming demand that all resources and customers have been sacrificed to ensure it remains healthy. (Our speculations, we may have not paid the bill, therefore, no nitrogen is delivered.) To the new Director of Operations, welcome aboard , hope you enjoy the visit!


Blogger Jessica said...

Geez, vendors are so damn picky about getting paid. WTF? What's the big deal?

1:21 PM  
Blogger Big Mama said...

Damn! That's what a call a dramatic office... I'm glad my office is way more subdued. Best of luck for this week, sounds like you are gonna need it.

1:38 PM  
Blogger :P fuzzbox said...

Looks like you have a good week in store. Have Phun!

2:12 PM  

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