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Saturday, November 18, 2006

The Open Fly

The new guy Bob showed up at my desk yesterday to ask me if I'd watched Thursday night's episode of 'Grey's Anatomy'.

I hadn't, but, that's not really what this post is going to be about.

His enormous zipper was all the way down! I could see it all, and, it was NOT a pretty sight. There he stood, slightly bent, pants open as wide as they could possibly be, and I didn't say a word. I secretly wondered why in the heck couldn't he feel a draft down there? Or, did he know, and, he just wanted me to catch a good view?

I wanted to die.

You know, it would have been one thing if he were a toned up hottie. But, he's not. He's one of those guys who has a gut that is just about as big around as he is tall. And, that's quite a circumference, considering he is approximately 6'2. Plus, he actually buys his pants to fit his waist. Meaning, while they rest comfortably around his waist, the legs are so loose you could probably fit me, Julie, and Helen down each leg.


I'm certain my vision has been permanently impaired.


Blogger :P fuzzbox said...

One question: Boxers, briefs, or commando?

10:05 PM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

dingy white briefs fuzzbox. They could have certainly used a good bleaching.

7:56 AM  
Blogger Pixie said...


9:49 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hmmmmmm is "enormous zipper" a euphemism for something?! :P

12:37 PM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

pixie - Definitely a LOL moment!

gareth, believe me, I know what I'm talking about here, the only thing enormous on Bob was the Zipper. ;)

3:25 PM  
Blogger Will said...

I bet the cold weather didn't help, too many canyons when there should have been mountains.

2:47 AM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

ben, your comment makes me think of the "shrinkage" episode of Seinfeld. LOL!!

Good episode.

8:08 AM  

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