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Thursday, November 09, 2006

My Friend Bug

Have you ever crushed the very heart and soul of your child without knowing you have actually done so?

Thomas had found a bug last night and decided to befriend the thing. Little did I know, 10 minutes later, the two of them would be sitting side by side watching TV together.

Nor would I have least expected that I would unknowingly vacuum up 'Bug' while I was cleaning the living room.

I devastated him.

Recoiling in horror, Thomas backs all the way up to the TV and is literally torn apart, crying in devastation, screaming "My friend Bug! My friend Bug!"

Shutting the vacuum off, I ask him what is going on. I'm worried, I have no idea what the heck has just happened.

"You bacumed my friend Bug," he cried.

Then I knew what had happened. Feeling like a complete heel, nearly crying myself at how I had completely crushed his little soul, I took the vacuum bag out of the vacuum and dug through mess until I found the lifeless body of 'Bug'.

What a Mom won't do to make her kids happy again!

Thomas didn't seem phased by the fact that 'Bug' was no longer alive, thank God. The situation was already traumatic enough.


Blogger Jay Noel said...

Could be worse. He could have a rat named Ben.

7:02 PM  
Blogger Big Mama said...

Oh, the poor little thing. I have put my son through things that were terrible and I figured that I would be forced to pay for all his therapy. Hey, at least you opened the bag and found his pal... that totally counts!

8:46 PM  
Blogger Will said...

Ahh, sad story. He knows you didn't mean it.

I remember as a kid I did this big project for school once with all cuttings out of magazines and I'd written it all neat and stuff, and I'd spent hours perfecting it.

Dad came home from the pub drunk on that night, and accidently spilt a pint of beer all over my work. I was devastated, and it took me about a week to talk to him again.

8:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awwwwww. From now on, you should do what I do: Don't bother to vacuum your house. :)

What kind of bug was Bug?

8:50 AM  
Blogger Pixie said...

Awww poor little guy

9:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Replace the dead bug with a live one, no need for therapy right You are a good mom...

2:37 PM  
Blogger Crazy Me said...

I know I probably shouldn't laugh but that just struck me as VERY funny!

9:51 PM  

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