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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Saturday, October 28, 2006

The Piano Man

Sometimes I take for granted the people I have in my life who like me for me. My judgment becomes so clouded by the people like Dave and Charlie, I forget there are others out there who really do like me.

Like you guys, out there, the ones who read this blog. I don't say it often enough, I know, but I get a huge smile on my face every time I see a new comment. Even when I don't post I'm always out there reading what you've written, laughing when it's funny, feeling down when it's not so funny. Of all the people in the world, it's you guys who know me best. You are the ones who see my tragedies when they befall me, and my glories, and even my screw ups and embarrassing moments. And you keep coming back, which means the world to me.

It was only moments ago that I had such a revelation. I was plugging the memory thing into my computer that one of the RMA tech's had given me last week when it hit me.

Nick and I had been talking a few weeks ago and in the midst of the conversation I had stated that I loved the song 'Piano Man'. Just a harmless comment, nothing else. It had completely slipped my memory when Nick had shown up at my desk with a 512mb Ataché thing. I had smiled up at him and asked him what the heck he was up to.

Nick had stated that, in his travels on the computer, he had come across 'The Piano Man', a version that came complete with a video of a very young Billy Joel, and he immediately thought of me, and downloaded it.

I smiled, and thanked him, and immediately plugged it in to see it. It had made my day, actually.

It wasn't until just now that I realized how thoughtful that was. First, those memory things aren't cheap, and, he just gave it to me. Second, it's full of music. All of it downloaded on the same day, I'm certain it was all downloaded just for me.

And all I did was smile and thank him.

He had smiled back and said "No problem, 'putz'."


Blogger Big Mama said...

I just love having revelations like that! Most of the people out here in the blog-sphere know me/us better than anyone else on earth. We are not afraid to be ourselves, our real selves, warts and all (so to speak). I happen to think you are very normal and I totally understand you. I only wish for you that the people surrounding you knew you as well as we do... Much love and know that you are appreciated too.

11:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Random acts of kindness are a very good thing. From everything I see on this blog, you are a wonderful person going through one of life's many land mines. You are coming out of it with all your body parts attached, which is really all you can ask for. People love ya for a reason, and it's not because they have to in case you were wondering. Have a great day!!

9:53 AM  
Blogger Will said...

It's little gestures like that that make it all worthwhile. Great story and you're right, it is a great song.

9:56 AM  
Blogger Pixie said...

I agree with Ben , its the little things that make the most difference.

11:45 AM  

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