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Friday, May 06, 2005

Barrettes and Scrunchies

I am right at this very moment sitting across from a man that is a coworker who suffers from gender confusion. There's no missing it. He's married, and will tell you all about his wife and children, but he wears barrettes and scrunchies. He even goes so far as to paint his fingernails with clear polish. Although he appears to be a very courteous and consciencious person, I have to admit, it is unnerving to me. He is sitting directly across from me today inspecting datecodes on suspect components that have been placed on boards. As much as I hate to admit it, I was a little hesitant to think about having to sit across from him.

Shame on me. I know I'm above all that superficial 'looks' crap, and here I am doubting whether or not someone should carry on a conversation with me because people will see. Thank God I came to my senses, and I have forced that out of my mind. I did, however, email Jessica about it. :)


12:50 PM

Addition to saga..................
Barrette scrunchie man just stated to me that he thought I got lost at lunch, and was considering sending out a St. Bernanrd to find me. Ugh. He doesn't know I can see him, he's staring at me. He thinks I am staring intently at this computer right now as I type.


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