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Thursday, June 02, 2005

Shorts are Discouraged

That's the rule in our handbook here at work. Which, actually, is pretty much a waste of space. Consider it for a second. It doesn't actually tell you not to wear shorts. So, in actuality, it could say shorts are acceptable, and mean the exact same thing.

Yesterday I wore shorts to work for the first time. I was the first manager to actually wear shorts to work this year. Which, yesterday, Mark had made a reference in a meeting to the fact that 'shorts were discouraged'. Not a reference to say, Sherri, you shouldn't be wearing shorts to work. Just a reference to say, there are lots of things documented in specs and guides that are written but not exactly clearly defined or followed.

Today when I came in, I noticed 2 other production managers wearing shorts. (Pat on my back for being a trend setter.)


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