Stirring the Pot
Judy B came down just before I left to specifically ask me how I was getting along with the new SQE. Apparently she had it all set up in her mind that we weren't getting along at all. And, that we had gotten into some kind of an altercation or something. At first, I was hurt by what she said. Then, I decided, consider the source.
Judy based her entire insinuation on this piece of a conversation she heard....
"Sherri said that?" Bob says, unbelieving.
"Yes, Sherri, the one down there" Dave says, pointing in the direction of the other end of the building.
Judy based her entire insinuation on this piece of a conversation she heard....
"Sherri said that?" Bob says, unbelieving.
"Yes, Sherri, the one down there" Dave says, pointing in the direction of the other end of the building.
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