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Friday, July 29, 2005

The Original - The Bad Leader

Since I posted my great leader, I have decided to post my bad leader as well, the presentation that set my precedence.

Louis XVI

When I think of a bad leader, Louis XVI immediately pops into mind. He, like all of the other aristocratic leaders, who had led before him, was isolated from the non-aristocratic population, making him totally unaware of the unrest and poverty that had befallen his empire. When the French Revolution occurred, he was totally taken by surprise.
When Louis first ascended the throne, his chief financial officer instantly set about trying to reform the countries financial situation by instituting a series reforms that would allow a tax on land owners, industrial manufacturing to increase, and sharply cut the monarchial expenses, expenses that were not necessary and mainly considered luxury. Because parliament, the checks and balances of the French Monarchy, consisted primarily of the recipients of the proposed taxes and reforms, all reforms were failed, and Louis dismissed the chief financial officer. From that point on, the country fell into ruin and financial crisis.
Louis was clueless, unintelligent on issues of the monarchy, and incapable of maintaining the centralized power of the Estates General. Revolutionaries seized the Bastille, and it is report that on that day, Louis wrote in his diary "nothing happened".
Louis XVI made the biggest mistake a leader can make, he had the opportunity and the forthwith to change the course of actions and chose not to do so.


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