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Tuesday, August 02, 2005

10 Signs that your man is a hick

  1. Tan line directly across the center of his forehead.
  2. Roadtrip essentials - Ice, beer, coolie cup
  3. Work boots and shorts.
  4. Complete sentences consisting of just one word. (Hmph......Huh.......Yah.........)
  5. Flannel shirts in August??
  6. Grass sprouting from the back end of their vehicle.
  7. An evening out consists of 3 men standing around in a garage drinking beer.
  8. An evening in consists of 3 men sitting in the living room drinking beer.
  9. He knows the exact location of the spinner bait he lost in the river the last time he was in (fishing location of your choice), but he can't remember where he put that pesky wedding band.
  10. The bottom of every t-shirt he owns is missing.


Blogger Jessica said...

Darn wedding band.

5:34 PM  

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