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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Sunday, July 31, 2005

An Onion Bin, a Fruit Fly, and a 2 Year Old

While standing in the kitchen this morning, I was almost carried away by a swarm of fruit flies. Swatting my arms and whipping around in disbelief, I see my 2 year old next to the potato/onion bin, lid lifted. The source of the fly swarm. I almost died. Upon closer inspection, I see the remains of what used to be a brand new bag of yellow onions. The scary part is, I can't even remember buying a bag of onions anytime recently. The last memory I have of buying any type of onion was last winter.

Needless to say, the bin and decomposed onions have been removed from my house. I'm still trying to decide if I love the bin enough to not just burn it right to the ground, fruit flies and all.


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