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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

"For the health of the team..."

It was finally brought up this morning in the production managers meeting. Everyone was apparently on pins and needles awaiting the results of my posting for a new person. Just as I had assumed, everyone was harshly critical of the reasons why the person who was chosen was chosen. RB the biggest opposition.

In the end, the deciding factor ended up being the health of the team. In one scenario, the team would literally be torn apart with animosity. How is it ever acceptable to place 2 individuals with that kind of a past together in a work place. You are literally asking for confrontation. (Best friends at one point, husband of one cheats with best friend......divorce occurs for both...........husband is now engaged to best friend) This is the exact reason, however, that RB is opposed to the choice. He is of the belief that personal conflict should make no difference in the work place. Thought like that is probably the reason why he is no longer a manager of people.

Thankfully, for me, I ended up not being the one who had to ultimately make the choice or notify the applicants of the decision made. The powers that be (production control manager/HR/director of operations) actually made the choice. My boss did the notifications. Definitely a tough situation.


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