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Sunday, July 31, 2005

Ode to Jessica

I'm sitting here typing thinking back to middle school and my then best friend Jessica. She had figured out a way to outsmart the system and get out of gym class without drawing any suspicion to herself or needing a note from her parents. I was certainly envious.

It was actually brilliant, if you sit and think about it. All morning before gym class she would quite literally just let her arm hang at the side of her body. Not moving it a bit. By the time gym class rolled around, she had a viable and visible excuse not to participate. She would simply state that her arm hurt, pull the sleeve up on the arm that had hung listless all day (which, by now, was purple and cold to the touch from lack of blood circulation), and she was scott free.

Funny how things just pop into your head like that. I woke up from a nap and my right arm was numb from sleeping on my right side. So, there I sat, on the edge of the bed, tingles moving up and down my arm, laughing about how Jessica used to fake the gym teacher out of having to participate on class.


Blogger Jessica said...

I forgot about that. :) What I remember is not having the nerve to break my own arm. I tried hitting it with a hammer, but not NEARLY hard to enough to actually break anything. I also tried slamming it in the sliding door that led from my bedroom to outside. Again, not nearly hard enough. So there you have it: Proof that I was not willing to do anything to not have to take a shower in gym class.

2:10 PM  

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