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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Friday, August 26, 2005

Up my Ass

I have one employee who is totally on my shit list right now. I just want to get her the hell out of my sight. And, you know what, she knows this and is totally bugging the hell out of me. She's trying to get back on my good side by being 'extra' helpful, but the only thing that does to me is make me more irritated. I don't particularly want to have her sitting across from me on her break making idle chit chat. I don't need her to tell me to 'smile' because I look frustrated or grumpy. I'm frustrated and grumpy because I'm working, if I were sitting on my porch soaking in the sun, then, I'm sure I'd be smiling. I also don't need her to come ask me every single time she has the smallest miniscule issue what to do. She knows perfectly well when we receive a chemical without MSDS sheets they go to hold.............What the fuck?? Why are you bothering me to ask if it's ok to receive them to hold??

Ok, so now I have a red nose and a chapped ass. What next??


Blogger TrĂ©e said...

Sherri, "Up my ass" has got to be the funniest post heading I've read today. Sorry for your troubles, but thanks for bringing a smile to my face. I had no idea where exactly you were going to head with this one--lmao ;-)

2:02 AM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

So glad to see that I've brought a smile to someone's face!! :)

8:27 AM  

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