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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Gotta Love Dilbert

This is me, today, sitting at the Otsego table waiting for the stand up meeting. After hearing myself paged to the Superior room, I then discovered they had changed the meeting to an actual meeting in one of the conference rooms. The nerve!!

Here's the whole problem. We have a fricking million meeting places. Just to name a few......

  1. The Huron Room
  2. The Superior Room
  3. The Otsego Table
  4. The Swamp Room
  5. The Empty Office (Yes, that is indeed what it is referred to by name)
  6. Byron's Table
  7. Sherri's Desk (now, this one is my absolute biggest pain in the neck. I can't skip out of a stand up meeting at my own desk.)

Sad to say, everything listed above is a bonafide location on my outlook calendar.


Blogger Unknown said...

Dilbert - that was funny. Nice self image of you too, ha.
Swamp Room!!! Also known as the 'pick up your redundancy on the way out room' I'll bet.

11:52 AM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

OMG! I just realized, I'm a pointy haired boss! :o

6:54 PM  

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