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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Monday, September 12, 2005

So Much Stuff, So Little Time

I know that I've only missed 3 days of work, but it seems like a month. Seriously. In the time since I last worked:

  • The maintenance guys finished the smoking hut. Odd as it may seem, Gaylord has passed a city ordinance that prohibits people from smoking in public within the city limits. I definitely need to get a picture of this smoking area on here. It's tiny. Miniscule. We have 235 people working in my facility, and if even 1/4 of them were smokers that would be around maybe 60 people. It would be next to impossible to get 30 people in this little thing. I don't smoke, but I feel for the smokers. This hut is basically a 3 sided metal enclosure located smack dab in the middle of the parking lot.
  • One of the quality tech's up and quit. No notice, no anything. I didn't even get a chance to wish her best of luck.
  • Jim shaved off his mustache. I'm totally in shock still. He doesn't even look like the same person. And, the white area above his lip gives me the creeps.
  • My boss has added to her spice girl accessory collection. She wore a brown derby hat today and knee high go go boots. She has totally missed the boat with current trends. That's what happens when you get old, it's already out of style before you jump on the band wagon. I want to tell her how ridiculous she looks, but I just don't have the heart.

Point of Interest: The guy who taught the first aid classes today was totally buff. Judging by how he was nearly completely hairless (from what I could see on his arms and chest) I'm guessing he does some competitive body building. Such a shame I was forced to sit in his recertification training for 7 hours out of my day. :)

Also, Norm is getting married next week! I thought for sure I was hearing things at first, he was all excited about how his bride was flying in from Hawaii. Yes, you heard that right, she lives in Hawaii. They met 6 years ago on the internet. One day while I was supposed to be working, Sandy and I stumbled across his internet personal ad. That was about 4 months ago!! What was he still doing with a personal ad out there?? (You don't even want to know why Sandy and I were looking through them.) That whole situation is bazaar. So, she's flying in, they are having a ceremony here for his family, then they fly to Hawaii to have one for her family, then he flies back, alone. Today, he called her Bridezilla. I can't imagine how awkward that has to be planning a wedding when your fiance doesn't even live in the continental United States, or vice versa.


Blogger Jessica said...

Three days is an eternity in work hours...

5:35 PM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

You've got that right!!

6:13 PM  
Blogger Manda said...

I wonder what the statistics are for people those who get married, who met on the internet? That'd be a totally interesting figure I think. I also wonder how that has effected diverstiy in terms of multicultural weddings. That'd be a cool area of study as well...

6:31 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Sherri, can I add you to my links list?

6:34 PM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

Certainly. :)

I guess I should have asked your permission before I just went and did it. LOL

6:36 PM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

I have to say Scout, I do know one person very well who met her husband on the internet. They've been married now for 3 years, and they are totally perfect for each other. I was really hesitant about the whole thing when she first started talking about it, but in this case, it worked out very well.

6:38 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks Sherri.
I am giving you permission to keep mine on your list.
It's official now, hehe.
At ease soldier.

6:38 PM  
Blogger Crazy Me said...

I'm with you on the work thing. I was out sick 2 full days and 2 half days last week and I am drowning. Ugh ....

6:40 PM  
Blogger Jessica said...

I know somebody who met her husband in a euchre game room. Unfortunately, she was already married at the time. (Obviously, that's over now.) He's from Georgia and his voice reminds me of Dierks Bentley (speaking voice, that is; I've never heard him sing).

2:50 PM  

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