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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Monday, September 19, 2005

My top ten worst work peeves

  1. I hate it when Elizabeth bugs me every 5 seconds to tell me something, and it's really stupid.
  2. I hate it when people will stop talking in the middle of a conversation to read what I have on my screen. I refuse to open any emails in anyones presence anymore.
  3. I hate it when I'm on my way to someone's desk and 80 people stop me along the way. By the time I get to the desk, they're gone.
  4. Meetings that get postponed a million and one times. Just forget it! It can't be that important, you've postponed it a million and one times!
  5. People who try to look busy and important by creating mountains out of mole hills.
  6. When people are too lazy to get up and walk 20 steps to talk to a coworker so they yell at the top of their lungs at them.
  7. Men that wear sweat pants to work. That's just plain wrong.
  8. The phrase "Can you do me a favor?"
  9. The 'butt-in-ski'. "I just happened to overhear.........................this is what I think..........."
  10. When people send an email and copy a million and one people on something ridiculous. I just delete them anyway.

Yikes! I'm really crabby today.


Blogger Unknown said...

I hate number 8 too. I usually crawl under my desk when I hear that sentence being banded about.
It's pirate day today, ou arrrrrrr!

2:41 PM  
Blogger SD27 said...

I had an old boss that used to say "Have I got an opportunity for you." I can still feel my lunch creeping up when I think of that phrase. Thank goodness he got quit.

3:16 PM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

Gareth, Pirate day! I'm missing out on the fun. Do I get any of the pirate bounty?

sd27, I hate those bosses!! :)

3:29 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Jump aboard pirate Sherri. Lets set sail for adventures on the high seas. Shiver me timbers. And you can bring the family along if you really must. Thomas will be my assistant on the quarter deck, yarrrrr.

3:41 PM  
Blogger Jessica said...

I have a friend who used to wrangle me into "opportunities" all the time! "It'll look great on your résumé."

12:16 PM  

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