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Saturday, September 17, 2005

The Public Shower Dream

This has been a recurring dream theme for me lately. I don't know what it's all about. I'm going to have to look this one up as well

So, last night's dream consisted of me living in an almost completely glass house. There were trees all around, but it wasn't exactly in a secluded area. I could see houses through the walls and stuff. In my dream, I decide to take a shower, and am in the bathroom stripping down to take a shower, and even in the bathroom it was all open. All glass. I could see the trees and stuff blowing in the breeze.

Will update on meaning later when I have researched.

Update: I have researched the different topics of the dream. (I was unable to find anything that literally stated 'public showering') The key words I used were shower, naked, glass, and bathroom.

Looking outwards through glass may indicate viewing the future or looking beyond ones self. (Naked) You are not prepared for something, you are in the public eye often. The shower indicates cleansing ones self from things that affect emotions, relief from stressed emotions. The bathroom represents purification of one's self.

Very interesting.......


Blogger Unknown said...

I think I was hiding behind one of those trees, LOL.

9:54 AM  
Blogger Crazy Me said...

Do let us know what it means if you find an answer.

11:10 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Just read Seahag's blog:
'Bloggers Anonymous" - I'll be right at the front ........... behind you, lol.

11:54 AM  
Blogger Trée said...

I think it means you want to be seen naked in the shower. lol

Just set up a webcam and post the address here. Sure would save a lot of money over building a complete glass house, not to mention how much "window" cleaning that house would require. I'll check back later for the cam address since it would do you no good to take that shower if no one is there to see ya. Always willing to be of service ;-)

1:16 PM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

Trée, always the good samariton! :) I can always count on you to be of service.

3:16 PM  

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