Fashion Question of the Day

I picked these jeans up last weekend, they had immediately caught my eye. This morning, however, as I was dressing, the thought struck me, are they too over the top? Will I show up at work resembling a Spicegirl in training? Keep in mind, as you decide, that flower design ends just below where the picture ends.
OK folks, give me your thoughts.
(I have purposely cropped my head out of the photo just in case, we don't need any photo proof that I wore these jeans to work.)
The jeans are not over the top. If they had sparkles, or more flowers, maybe...but as shown they look great....and so do the jeans...(I really need to get a rim shot/drummer to follow me All kidding aside, they look great.
Decidedly NOT over the top.
Now.. if they were bell bottoms with sparkles on the hem and maybe a 'Gas, Grass or Ass- no one rides for free' patch on the behind.. yeah.. that might be over the top. But these... please, Sherri... not over the top at all.
Thomas, the drummer thing is so you, I could absolutely see it. LOL Thanks for the input, there are a few brass colored studs inside the centers of the flowers though.
jack, so, I should remove the patch then?? LOL
Well... I mean unless you are planning on wearing them around me.. then leave it on, by all means!
jack, you crack me up! LOL
I try.
My spicegirl just got in.. I have to tell her I'm going for a bloodtest today for my weight loss thing. I'm sure she'll say some superficial thing like .. oh it's good that you are doing that... you'll look so good when you have lost XX lbs.. lol
then I'll have to crap on her desk.
You know, one of my biggest irritations is superficial people. I have a sister-in-law that is like that. This is what I do, when they ask you a superficial question, I go into great detail about whatever it is they asked. You know they don't really care what the answer is, but, they asked and I'm going to tell them, in great detail. Next time, she may think twice before talking just to hear how her voice sounds.
That's cool you can wear jeans to work...and I think they look appropriate and not over the top.
Spice up your life.
back in the day, phoenix, management and support staff were expected to wear business casual. The dress code has become so relaxed that even the director of operations wears jeans all the time now, too. Thanks for the input, it's much appreciated.
I think they're really cute.
thanks angela!
I like them. I think they are great! I work at a really relaxed law firm, I wear jeans every day. I figure no one ever sees me so Oh well if they don't like it. No one has said anything yet and I work for the senior partner...
way to go big mamma! Senior partner, you're amongst the upper crust. :D
I, being a male, am unqualified to answer your question.
Lucky me, I'm crusty, LOL!!!
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