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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Humans Thrive on Conflict

I'm absolutely certain of it. Have you noticed how people get a gleam in their eye even at the hint that something is amiss? How they continue to stir the pot when they know they have touched a nerve? How their voice becomes louder and more aggressive when they think they have pointed out a flaw or weak point in someone else?

I'm having a bad day today, not because of anything anyone has said or done, but because I'm just sick of dealing with people. There is never a happy medium ever, one person will always love you and another will hate your guts for the exact same reason.

I can't help it, but I get irritated with people asking me 50 million fricking questions a day because they don't trust their own judgment. I should feel honored, but I don't.

I can't help it, but I get frustrated at some of the people who work for me. Open your eyes chick! The world does not revolve around you, I don't care that you don't want to move your desk because you won't be the center of attention, you're not that wonderful! You're greedy, selfish, loud, and really not that attractive.

I can't help it, but I could care less whether or not someone out on the floor may or may not be getting a divorce. Who cares?? I don't want to be the center of someone's gossip circle, I'm sure he doesn't either.

As I sit here now, typing my thoughts, I can hear 2 of the receivers furiously trying to outdo each other for the Quality Engineer. Each of them battling over who can speak the loudest and put forth the most information in the smallest amount of time.

Maybe it's just me, I just don't fit in with everyone else. The thoughts that travel through my mind are never the same as anyone else's, I never see anything the same way as everyone else.

One last thing that bugs me, I can never pick out that image in those 3-D pictures either!


Blogger W. C. Jack said...

Heck. I'm an art director and I can't see those 3-d images. I think they are a farce to make people THINK they see the image. Some guy is laughing his ass off thinking he pulled one over on all of us.

11:45 AM  
Blogger Jay Noel said...

A lot of people love conflict and drama. They are so bored with their lives, they have to create a soap opera to live in.

Many others run and hide from conflict.

It sounds like you're somewhere in the middle, and that's a good place to be.

I can see those 3-D pictures, you kinda have to cross your eyes a little...they call it a "soft stare." You sorta stare at the picture without focusing on any one part of it.

12:14 PM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

jack, Thank God I'm not the only one who can't see those damn images! It drives me insane!

phoenix, I've tried the soft stare, it didn't work for me either.

1:07 PM  
Blogger Big Mama said...

I can see it sometimes, but not all the time. I guess it depends on how relaxed I am.

I am with you, I SO don't like drama. Especially at someone else's expense. Just go away all you people with no life and leave me and mine alone!!! I don't even like them within earshot. You are not alone, really!

2:00 PM  
Blogger Thomas J Wolfenden said...

Sherri, you didn't tell me my ex-wife was working there!

That's the main reason I prefer to work by myself...

3:12 PM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

tom, if I could work by myself, I would in a heartbeat!!

I hate to say it, but your ex-wife sounds like a real doozy.

3:36 PM  
Blogger DaMasta said...

I always have to stare at them cross-eyed...which makes the image inside out...if that makes any sense.

4:19 PM  
Blogger Crazy Me said...

I hate those 3d pictures. They make me feel stupid. I always see an ink blot!

6:50 PM  
Blogger Read This said...

I work by myself, but don't get paid. I should think of another profeession, lol.

7:23 PM  
Blogger Read This said...

Oh, sorry..that was play not work...sorry...

7:24 PM  

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