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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

In Today's Production Managers Meeting

So many conversations, so many laughs. Not one of them even remotely related to work, yet they were so informative!

Jim went into a tangent about a woman he referred to as 'Harmonica Mary'. Apparently she had dated several of his friends when they were much younger, she was absolutely beautiful. She held some sort of spell over these guys, no matter how much the guys were warned they still dated her, all of them ending in disaster. She was an absolute psycho, much like Glen Close's character on 'Fatal Attraction'.

When the men would finally receive the wake-up call from their dream world and realize Mary was insane, it was too late. She was outside their apartment door at 3 am serenading them on the harmonica. Restraining orders and threatening police visits were no deterrent to 'Harmonica Mary'. She continued on until she happened across a new suitor to capture her attention.

That was when it hit me. It made perfect sense, it was a very possible situation. 'Harmonica Mary' had to of, at one time, found a man crazy enough to marry her and have children. Those children would have grown up and needed to work. I suddenly threw out on the table the idea that the exec. secretary had to be 'Harmonica Mary's' evil spawn. We were in fact dealing with 'Office Supply Julie', better watch out, or you'll wake up to a post it note on your forehead telling you she's going to kill you.


Blogger Read This said...

Come on, Harmonica Mary sounds like the perfect woman. I am always attracted to insanity, so right there we have a match. Add to the mix that this woman voluntarily plays a blowing and sucking instrument that she also has to manipulate with her hands. Does it get any better than that? This is a true story, and of course one I should not share, so therefore I will. I once dated a woman, a nice gal overall, that said she could not do the oral sex thing and if I had any questions I could call her dentist. Apparently she would get lockjaw or something. I thought that had to be one of the better, and more creative excuses I had ever heard.

10:39 AM  
Blogger Jay Noel said...

For some reason, being serenaded by a harmonica just doesn't sound romantic. A flute, a harp, or a guitar maybe. But a harmonica?

Isn't that like playing taps on a kazoo?

10:40 AM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

thomas, OMG! That's too funny, lock jaw! You should have asked her for a notarized letter from her dentist. LOL

phoenix, I'm pretty sure she was not trying to be romantic. She was purposely trying to be psychotic, Jim mentioned the name of the song and it totally escapes my mind. He said it sounded similar to the song they always played at the very begining of the old Clint Eastwood movies.

11:04 AM  
Blogger DaMasta said...

LOL!! Riiiiiight... evil spawns of satan CAN have spawns of their own. Look at me: My mother is evil. I am her spawn. BUT, I'm not nearly as crazy as her. Or as evil. Whew. I was spared.

12:14 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

*office loud speaker* bing bongggg, "could Sherri please report to the manager's office, some people in white suits would like to have a word with her" ;-)

12:17 PM  
Blogger Thomas J Wolfenden said...

I knew a woman like that... A "Cop Groupie" when I was still on the PD...

Psycho hosebeast!

7:00 PM  
Blogger Crazy Me said...

LOL!! I love this story. You made my might!

8:11 PM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

damasta, my mother is also pure evil, yet I turned out to be ok. There is some hope out there. :D

Gareth, you're just envious of my colorful coworkers! LOL

ranger tom, were you also stalked by the psycho hosebeast? I've always wondered what it would be like to have a groupie.... :)

8:13 PM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

angela, I'm glad I made your night!

8:13 PM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

oops, my apologies, crazy me, I'm glad I made your night! :D

8:14 PM  

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