Nothing but tail
I awoke this morning with a candy wrapper stuck to my arm and Thomas peering down at me with a gummy mouse tail hanging out of his mouth.
Now, that was quite the sight to see!
My mother-in-law suddenly backed out of watching the kids today, last minute. Nothing like calling in on the last day of the month/quarter/year. Oh well, what can you do. I really don't think she understands the fact that I work, and by work I mean an actual job that requires my attendance. My other sisters-in-law kind of putz around doing crafts and things all day, only one of them works, and that job is merely a part time job at a jewelry store 3 days a week.
I sometimes wonder what it would be like to be able to just get up in the morning and have the whole day to do whatever the heck you wanted to do. I think I would get bored. I need to have activity to keep me going. I need to be able to use my brain. I need to have contact with other adults. I would definitely miss the feeling of accomplishment when I had achieved one of my goals.
Now, that was quite the sight to see!
My mother-in-law suddenly backed out of watching the kids today, last minute. Nothing like calling in on the last day of the month/quarter/year. Oh well, what can you do. I really don't think she understands the fact that I work, and by work I mean an actual job that requires my attendance. My other sisters-in-law kind of putz around doing crafts and things all day, only one of them works, and that job is merely a part time job at a jewelry store 3 days a week.
I sometimes wonder what it would be like to be able to just get up in the morning and have the whole day to do whatever the heck you wanted to do. I think I would get bored. I need to have activity to keep me going. I need to be able to use my brain. I need to have contact with other adults. I would definitely miss the feeling of accomplishment when I had achieved one of my goals.
I think whatever works best and makes you feel fulfilled is best. Many mothers feel that sense of accomplishment raising their children and taking care of their home. Others find accomplishment from their work and their successes in the working world.
Either way - it's interesting to see that animosity between the two types of mothers. I've seen it cut both ways.
A lot of women try to stay home, and just cannot do it - and it makes for a very unhappy household. Other times, women try to go back to work, but just can't stand to be away from her little ones.
Either way, I think both sides are never going to make peace.
I stayed home until my oldest started school. Then I worked in a daycare to be closer to my little one. They are now big enough where I feel safe enough that my work isn't cutting in to their time. I put them on the bus in the morning and am there when they get off the bus. Works for me. When they are sick (depending on how sick) they either come to work with me (law firms just love that!) or one of us stays home. That depends on our workload of course.
Best of luck to you.
Me too! If I don't get brain stimulation I die a very slow death lol. It makes the day more enjoyable too when you have things to do.
phoenix, I wouldn't really consider myself as having animosity toward a stay-at-home mom. I know it is hard work, and I for one know that I couldn't do it. My animosity, however, stems from the fact that my sisters-in-law all have older school age children. Their days are pretty much free to do whatever they please until the kids get home. My mother-in-law is geared toward this type of lifestyle, if for some reason she backs out of an engagement with them, it's no big deal. The can pretty much rearrange their schedule to meet her needs. Mine, however, is structured and pretty much holds to a timeline. I must do certain things at various times every day. I must go to work by a certain time. I must be there to drop off/pick up my kids at a certain time. I must make sure I get the laundry done or the grocery shopping done on a certain day or it throws the whole schedule out of whack. So, in an essence, when my mother-in-law backed out of watching my kids today, in her mind it was really not a big deal, I should have been able to reschedule things around it. But, in actuality, it was a big deal. I missed a very important day of work. I didn't get the hours posted for my employees and have to rely on another manager doing it for me. I left the company short on one of the busiest days of the entire year.
Thanks big mamma. With my oldest son I didn't work the first 2 years of his life. It was hard, very hard. I needed an outside existance, something other then 'mom'. When he was 2 I started working where I now work. It was very tough at first, leaving him with a babysitter. But he loved it. He loved being around other kids. My youngest has always been to daycare, I've worked through his entire life. I felt horribly guilty about that at first. Such a tiny newborn in the hands of someone else. I would go to the daycare on my lunch and spend time with him almost daily. My daycare had hired an assistand just for Thomas, and this woman was excellent with him. She treated him just like her own, which made me feel a million times better.
Gareth, I would hate to see you die a slow and painful death! :D
I do get bored during the day, you can only go the the gym for so long, and there is only so much online porn that is really worth looking at. I may get a job someday, really, honestly, stop laughing...this is not funny...I see you smirking...haha...
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