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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Saturday, December 31, 2005

Another Year Under the Belt

I can't believe it's the last day of the year already. 2005 went by way to quick, so many things happened, and didn't happen for that matter.

I think the one thing that stands out in my mind is the death of Rocky and his Mom. In a million years I wouldn't have guessed something like that happening. It seems so weird to drive by his house and see the driveway totally snowed in. Nobody lives there now, his daughter Lindsey inherited the house and probably almost everything else he owned.

I'm not really one to make new year's resolutions. I never stick to them. If I say I want to do something and hook a resolution to it, I'll be upset with myself for not following through. Instead, I'm going to make a list of things that I really need to work on, things that will improve me and yet be attainable.
  • I want to spend more quality time with my family. I'm going to take vacation days to go to the beach. I'm going to watch Zach do stunts on his dirtbike. I'm going to stimulate Thomas's mind with thought provoking activity.
  • I want to be less critical of myself. I know I'm my own worst enemy when it comes to a lot of different things. I need to work on accepting the fact that I'm not perfect.
  • I want to improve my attitude toward certain things. I can be sarcastic at times. I can also be kind of sharp at times. Sometimes it's unintentional, sometimes it is. I need to work on becoming a better person and not letting other peoples actions get to me.
  • I want to finish staining my deck! I've been working on it for years now! LOL (ok, ok, I know, this one sounds suspiciously like a resolution.)

Hope everyone out there has a safe and fun New Years Eve! I plan on staying home, cooking up tons of little finger foods and drinking rum and coke until Dick Clark drops the ball!

(I couldn't resist that one! LOL)


Blogger Big Mama said...

Oh Sherri! Happy New Year!!!

Resolution or not this year is totally gonna rock! I refuse to have it any other way!

10:23 AM  
Blogger Read This said...

Hon, Dick Clark is like 3 thousand years old, his balls dropped a long time ago, not sure if they called it puberty back then, but we do now. We all have things we want to work on, things to improve our way of life, our quality of life. That being said, take a look back at all the nice things you have done, all the ways you have changed lives for the better in the past year. Be proud of yourself. You have earned it. I did not see anything in your things you want to change list about hooking me up with some of the single young ladies in your workplace, lol. How about the grandma that has the odd family life? Haha...have a nice night tonight...don't do anything I wouldn't's really a short list of things I would not I think you will be fine....

10:46 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Who is Dick Clark?! No never mind lol.
Have a happy New Year Sherri and family and stop reading this crap and get back to drinking those rum and cokes. They will make you into a strong, healthy lady, well one of those anyway ;-)

4:01 PM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

Big Mamma, I agree 100%! I can't wait to start the new year. It's almost like starting from scratch, everything is new again. Have a wonderful New Year!

Thomas, I need to learn Dick Clarks secret because I want to live to be 3000 years old too! As for Helen, the old lady with the odd homelife, I may be able to work something out for you there. I have to warn you though, you have stiff competition! Her having 3 boyfriends and all. LOL (sorry, must be the alcohol talking for me. I may regret this when I read it tomorrow.) I hope you have a good New Years as well, think of me when Dick Clark drops that ball! :D

Gareth, don't worry, I've been drinking plenty this evening. One step closer to living forever! Remember?? Gotta appreciate that Irish heritage. LOL Hope your having a great New Years!

5:49 PM  
Blogger Thomas J Wolfenden said...

I've got to work... As usual.

Happy New Year!

8:07 PM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

ranger tom, I hope you had fun even though you were working! Happy New Year to you to!

8:25 AM  

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