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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Thursday, December 29, 2005


The computer guy just called me to tell me that he is unable to find anything at all wrong with my computer. Apparently he has hooked it up to several different monitors and restarted it several different times and had no problems what-so-ever.

I guess that's a good thing, right??

Today after work I'm bringing the monitor over to have him hook it up, just in case. It's funny, though, as I was sitting there talking to the guy, I suddenly wondered if he had probed through my entire computer and checked out all the stuff that I have on there. I've got some pretty personal stuff on there. Budgets, pictures, stories that I have started, did I mention pictures?? Yikes!


Blogger Unknown said...

I dont know how things are over there but over here if you bring your computer in for a service the engineer has to look through it by law incase you have anything illegal on it.
And the monitor won't have any problems on it because it's just a box with wires lol.

2:05 PM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

Hmmmm...... I have no idea how things are here. I can't imagine that they would need to comb over the entire contents of my hard drive for security threats, but who knows.

3:19 PM  
Blogger Read This said...

....sherri....always delete your porn...but make sure you save it to cd first...haha....

5:23 PM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

Porn!!! LOL!! I was thinking about all the terrible pictures where my eyes are shut or I look retarded.

5:30 PM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

Now, do I look like someone who would keep porn on my computer?? I have children! LOL

And they are both boys too!

7:08 PM  
Blogger Shamus O'Drunkahan said...

Do they look? That's ALL we do with your PC.
I mean "they". Did I say "we"?

11:14 PM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

well shamus, thanks for clearing that up for me. :D

So, just in case 'they' did find something on there, do 'they' ever share it with other people?

11:26 PM  

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