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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Monday, March 27, 2006


I decided to check on the Western Union money I sent to out for my brother last Wednesday. Not only have I NOT heard from him, he has also NOT picked the money up either. It totally pisses me off. I could just kill him.

Last Friday was the Rocky Horror Show event. Lots of fun! We picked our tickets up at the window (I had purchased them way in advance) and I ended up with great seats. 4th row, seat 3 and 4. Charlie had no idea what he was in for, he had never seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show, ever.

Speaking of which, in the movie, who is the actor that played Frank 'n Furter?? I've been wracking my brain trying to remember. I think it was a singer.

So the play was excellent, got a standing ovation. I was only mildly moist from the squirt guns when we left, and I got the opportunity of a lifetime to Time Warp with Rif Raf in the isle while Frank 'n Furter kissed a bald man at the end of the play. Yikes!

Helen Moment of the Day: I have just been informed that Helen totally ran a red light this morning on the way to work. She didn't even hesitate as she flew through, totally scaring the heck out of one of the girls who work materials. Note to self, never ride in a vehicle being driven by Helen. (Perhaps the reflected light from her 'Bling' distracted her while driving??)


Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

ranea, we weren't allowed to bring anything, we had to purchase prop bags at the playhouse. Good stuff though, they came with a piece of news paper, squirt gun, noise maker, confetti. And, instructions. LOL

9:44 AM  
Blogger honkeie said...

I was about to post it was tim curry too haha. I love that movie but hae yet to see a live show. Hell here in NJ they used to have some of the best live shows I have heard but most of them have all closed.
"I was only mildly moist..."
same sentence different brain, boy was i going in the wrong direction when I read this, sorry I am a little dirty minded at all times of the day.

10:57 AM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

honkeie2, Get that mind out of the gutter! LOL!!

If you ever get the opportunity, definitely check one out, tons of fun.

11:09 AM  
Blogger Jay Noel said...

Frank 'n furter, Rif Raf, slightly moist...what kind of orgy is that?

I haven't been to a Rocker Horror Picture Show is years and years...

I think it's not Helen's bling, it's her "blind." Maybe her chewing is ruining her retinas.

11:23 AM  
Blogger DaMasta said...

I've never been to the Rocky Horror Picture show, either. Gah! I guess I gotta go now, since all the cool kids are doing it.


12:05 PM  
Blogger Big Mama said...

Yep your bro proves it yet again, he was in dire straights and forgets he has money coming his way.... He musta needed it real bad huh?

I LOVE Rocky Horror!!!! Back in the day you were allowed to make your own kit to bring with you, what fun!!!
Oh and with Helen, be afraid, be very afraid.....

12:45 PM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

phoenix, Helen may have damaged her retinas with the episode she had last weekend. Apparently she went downstate to visit her son that (I just found out today) is in prison, and when she got back home, she was unable to walk or see. Yikes! She atributes it to the fact that she drank a bottle of coca cola on the way back.

damasta, you definitely need to go!

ben, I'm sure there's some type of reason. If he would have called back, even collect call, he would have known. But, here I am, no way to get a hold of him, money sitting in limbo.

big mama, I have a feeling he was going to just piss it away on cigarettes and beer, to be honest. It's probably a good thing he didn't get it.

1:00 PM  
Blogger :P fuzzbox said...

Dang to late to say Tim Curry. I will just put my hands on my hips and do the pelvic thrust out of here. Have a good Monday.

1:29 PM  
Blogger tsduff said...

I'm a RHPS virgin... (don't tell anyone) and will probably remain one for a long time to come. They stopped production of it anywhere around here. I've only seen the movie on the tube thus far.

Aren't brothers a pain? I only have one. Actually, mine isn't too bad now that he is sort of grown up.

1:46 PM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

Mine gets worse as he gets older. I feel like, he's an adult man, he should be looking out for himself. And, to use guilt on me, that's just plain wrong. I would like to see how things would be if the situations were reversed. Would he bail me out of jail a million times? Wire me money because I'm living in my vehicle? Willingly lend me his entire house payment and let me skip town even though I've promised to pay it back the next week?

I already know the answer to that, it's a big fat NO.

2:24 PM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

Pelvic thrusting with ya out here fuzzbox! :D

2:25 PM  
Blogger DaMasta said...

Dang! I should have tagged you on my blog. LOL. Oh well.. if you feel like stealing it, you should!


9:19 PM  
Blogger Thomas J Wolfenden said...

Tim Curry

Put your right foot out...

7:02 AM  

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