Rufus Lives!
I've been promising a picture of Rufus for everyone, so, here he is! Cute little bugger isn't he? :D
I would have posted one sooner, but the computer has been acting up, again, not quite sure what is exactly wrong with it, it just does it from time to time. (As you recall in December I took it in to have it looked at and the techie guy said there wasn't anything wrong with it.)
Thanks to everyone who wished me well, I do feel 100% better. I'm finally starting to shake this sinus thing that I've had for the past week.
I did manage to hit the best sale at Kohl's yesterday! I ended up with a stuffed gorilla for Thomas, a pair of sunglasses, and 2 tops for under $50 total! Gotta love those 'one day only' sales! Although, it does make me wonder, if I can buy stuff for 60% off, and they can afford to sell it at that, just what exactly is the mark up on that stuff??
I would have posted one sooner, but the computer has been acting up, again, not quite sure what is exactly wrong with it, it just does it from time to time. (As you recall in December I took it in to have it looked at and the techie guy said there wasn't anything wrong with it.)
Thanks to everyone who wished me well, I do feel 100% better. I'm finally starting to shake this sinus thing that I've had for the past week.
I did manage to hit the best sale at Kohl's yesterday! I ended up with a stuffed gorilla for Thomas, a pair of sunglasses, and 2 tops for under $50 total! Gotta love those 'one day only' sales! Although, it does make me wonder, if I can buy stuff for 60% off, and they can afford to sell it at that, just what exactly is the mark up on that stuff??
Rufus looks furry enough for the cold. Glad to read that you are feeling better. My laringytis is still with me after two weeks although I have gone from a whisper, to sounding like Wolfman Jack, and now I sound like Carl Childers from Slingblade. I sure like them fried taters.
LOL! You need to do an audio post for us all to hear! :D
Rufus rocks!
Damn Kohl's. They don't carry my size in maternity clothes.
Mark up on clothes is pretty high. When the seamstress putting it together makes $5 a day, they have room for higher margins.
Oh I can guarantee that the mark up value of things is bound to be pretty high. We are being ripped off. Let's start a protest march LOL.
Nice pic of Rufus and I hope the gorilla doesn't eat Thomas :)
jack, I agree!
jessica, they have a ton of new maternity stuff out, I scoped it out for you. :D
phoenix, now that you mention it, I know that almost all of the stuff I wear is not made in america. On some weird whim I looked one day. In fact, I have a pair of olive colored cargo pants that are made in Kuwait. Yikes!
ben, I accidentally ran over Rufus one morning before work. It was terrible. I'm pretty sure I got his tail, so no major damage was done.
gareth, only you would think about the gorilla eating thomas! LOL
So glad to see a picture of Rufus. He looks very different than the pics you posted of him as puppy. Cute though - and I'm very happy he is okay.
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