Last night a commercial came on promoting this play, I was shocked when Charlie asked if I would be interested in going. I have never been to a production at the Old Town Playhouse before, I'm kind of excited.
I'm not really one of the cult followers of the Rocky Horror Picture Show, but I did watch it. I'm interested to see how this production goes over, several of the nights have already been sold out. That must be a good sign!
I went to one show back in the 80's, it was a BLAST!!! Research it a little on the internet and make sure to bring along a RHPS survival kit, LOL!!! A friend of mine gave me one (kind of as a joke) but we really used it. It had toilet paper and all sorts of silly goodies in it. It is so fun and good hearted, you will have a blast!
I used to go every weekend with my buddies... those poor theatre attendants who had to clean up all that rice and toast... lol... I remember bringing a 100lb bag of rice with us once .. we sat in the balcony and when the time came dumped it on the peeps below.. I remember one of them telling me he had rice in his underwear... lol...
I went to one show back in the 80's, it was a BLAST!!! Research it a little on the internet and make sure to bring along a RHPS survival kit, LOL!!! A friend of mine gave me one (kind of as a joke) but we really used it. It had toilet paper and all sorts of silly goodies in it. It is so fun and good hearted, you will have a blast!
I used to go every weekend with my buddies... those poor theatre attendants who had to clean up all that rice and toast... lol... I remember bringing a 100lb bag of rice with us once .. we sat in the balcony and when the time came dumped it on the peeps below.. I remember one of them telling me he had rice in his underwear... lol...
Sounds like a lot of fun. When you're doing the time warp. Give 'er a pelvic thrust for me. LOL. BTW, I left a response down there for what menudo is.
how awesome!!!!
I was never one who knew what to shout out during it...i think that was the people born in the late 60s...
big mama, I'll be sure to research it. The more I hear, the more fun it sounds. :D
jack, rice in his underwear?? LOL
fuzzbox, I'll be sure to do that.
seahag, I'm just hoping I'll fit in myself.
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