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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Another Day in the Life of Sherri

I was sitting at my desk talking to Julie when Audrey approached, one arm tucked behind her back.

"How are you with blood?" Audrey says to me.

"I'm ok with blood, what's the matter?" I ask.

Pulling her hand out from behind her back I see the most horrible sight I've ever seen, her left hand ring finger fingernail was literally folded back from her finger, blood pooling under the nail.

"Oh My God! Are you ok?" I ask. Duh!!!! Of course she's not ok! I can be so lame.

"Yeah, it just hurts. What should I do?" Audrey is smiling, for some ungodly reason. I have yet to figure that one out.

"Ok, we need to go see Norm and report this first, just in case." The two of us head down the isle in the direction of Normal the Health and Safety Representative.

From here the story goes absolutely insane. Audrey and I are walking, talking normally, but she has her arm bent straight out in front of her, injured finger pointed up in the air. Helen Keller would have seen that she was sporting a bloody injury. I'm certain she had done this for attention, but, I didn't care. I just wanted to get this situation taken care of so I could finish my conversation with Julie.

That would not be happening anytime soon.

The people I work with are sharks, I swear to God. At the sight of Audrey prancing to the HR office they began to circle, waiting for the goods. Audrey and I enter the office only to find Normal was not there, we had to deal with Deb, the biggest blabber mouth in the shop.

With Audrey and I, 2 other production managers who felt they were so important their presence was required, the front office receptionist (don't ask me where she appeared from), and another person who I had no clue as to her identity standing in the hallway, Blabbermouth Deb tells Audrey she strongly advises she go to the clinic to have them remove the nail the rest of the way.

I kid you not, the events of this story are the 100 percent truth.

Like a scene out of 'The Passion of the Christ', upon hearing Deb, Audrey gets down on one knee, placing the injured hand in the air, and her other hand across her eyes, she begins to weep. when the front office receptionist started rubbing her back I almost lost it, the urge to laugh was killing me.

Now, I know that makes me sound like a horrible cruel creature, but, good grief! It was a fingernail, it's not like she lost a limb in a machine or got dunked by a 500 degree solder pot. I could just imagine what the people from the floor were thinking as they paced back and forth in front of the HR office door, staring in at us as Audrey knelt on the floor reaching out and bawling, the rest of us standing idly by.

In the end, Audrey removed the rest of the nail herself in the ladies restroom. First aid cream was applied and a bandage placed over the fingertip, no big deal.


Blogger Read This said...

Kind of gross, which is an underused word in IMO. Have you been following the case of the lady with the missing arm somewhere in a place called Milan, MI? Quite a nice weekend.

9:47 AM  
Blogger :P fuzzbox said...

That sounds kinda embarrassing to have to watch. I have seen a few injuries in the workplace but have never seen anyone weep over them. I wouldn't know what to say.

10:37 AM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

thomas, I did hear about the woman, apparently they were both drunk..... etc. He dumped her off on the side of the road, had a change of heart and decided to pick her up. When he did, arm was missing. Something amiss with that story.

fuzzbox, I was embarrassed. I wasn't all that sympathetic to her either, I just stated "It'll be ok, lets get that thing taken care of so we can get back to normal around here."

ranea, I love them as long as I'm not a part of the scene. LOL

11:38 AM  
Blogger Thomas J Wolfenden said...

And of course nails grow back...

11:55 AM  
Blogger Vodka Absolut said...

This sounds like one time around xmas I sliced part of my thumb off with an exacto blade at work. I was trying to keep quiet, but my boss was flipping out and made me wrap a maxi pad over my thumb until i could get to the emergency room. I should've gotten on my knees and cried, maybe that would've given me a kick ass xmas bonus.

12:05 PM  
Blogger Jay Noel said...

Ugh, that still sounds pretty nasty though.

God forbid Audrey should get REALLY hurt.

12:29 PM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

tom, exactly.

vodka, OMG! She made you wrap a maxi pad on your finger??? Yikes!

phoenix, I would really hate to see her get seriously injured. It may be an acedemy award winning performance.

1:52 PM  
Blogger Pixie said...

Fuzz:Men are always uncomfortable around tears.
Sherri You are too naughty LOL

1:08 AM  
Blogger Thomas J Wolfenden said...

Still thinking of all those possibilities with that loofa...


2:01 AM  

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