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Thursday, July 06, 2006

Fuck Off and Die Thursday

Yes, folks, it is once again FO&D Thursday!

Today's list is especially personal, I must say. Several things tick me off on a day to day basis, things that I can't or won't normally talk about. This is just the perfect forum to release those gripes.

  1. Stupid people who think they are geniuses. I especially can't stand the morons who, in their own mind, have built themselves up to the status of a corporate executive. Ugh!!!! The following is an example of an email I received from one of these 'self proclaimed' geniuses:
    I understand this, at the time Rick Brown had them it did slip my mind. That is why I told Rick to tell you that if you had any questions to see me in the morning. It had been awhile since we ran those through Onyx and did not remember all the details. This is also enforcing the need that receiving inspection needs to have an individual trained on the onyx to work though lightstick issues. This would also make sure that all paperwork needed for receiving be kept together.

First, I would like to point out that he spelled my damn name wrong. Strike one!! Second, I would like to point out he first stated it slipped his mind, then continued on to pretty much state that he had in fact NOT forgotten, he had decided instead to put someone else in the center of the controversy to deflect any fault from him. Strike two!! Third, I would like to point out, in the end of the email, he is trying to push all responsibility back upon me. Strike three!!

If there really is a God, he will come down and smite this redneck, beer guzzling, NASCAR groupie.

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Blogger :P fuzzbox said...

It seems to me that a lot of times the shit floats to the top in the corporate world. And the bigger the idiot the more self important they are.

10:25 AM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

fuzzbox, I couldn't agree more.

The more I read that stupid email, the more irritated I get! Argh!!!

10:57 AM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

ben, LOL! He probably would get a thrill out of it.

1:35 PM  
Blogger Jay Noel said...

Sounds like a jackass...and his e-mail isn't that easy to follow either. I think he needs to take a course in how to write properly.

2:25 PM  
Blogger Thomas J Wolfenden said...

I got a loofa today...

12:36 AM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

phoenix, he is a jackass.

ranea, I know someone else who used to do that. LOL

ranger tom, loofa's can be so much fun. ;)

9:41 AM  

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