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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Saturday, July 08, 2006

The Ongoing Saga of Audrey

I was late for work this morning, very late. I was still rubbing the sleep out of my just opened eyes at the exact moment I should have been arriving at my desk.

Not good.

Thank God it's a mandatory Saturday and everyone is required to work today. If I had been the manager on duty, and I was this late, it would not have ended well. Thankfully, though, it's just a regular day, and nobody even noticed I was an hour late.

So, in my tired and zombied state, I trudge by Audrey on my way to my desk. Upon saying hello to her, she spins her chair around and starts bitching about the nurse practicioner who had prescribed different blood pressure pills to her husband. Apparently the dosage isn't correct, and his blood pressure is very low. She then goes on to tell me the nurse he spoke with last night requested he go to the emergency room.

So I ask, did he go? No, she replies. The tears begin to well up in her eyes. She goes on to say that he refuses to go to the emergency room and she doesn't know what to do. By now the tears have begun to flow and her voice is getting choked up.

I have no idea what to say to her, it's not like I can do anything about it. So I tell her things will be ok. He's aware of his problem enough that when he felt weird he called the nurse hotline. So, in her choked up teary voice she squeaks out 'I don't know what I'll do if he doesn't make it through July.'

What the hell?????

Make it through July? It's not like he's on his death bed! By now, I'm getting irritated. First the fingernail, now this. What's next?

Hmmmmm...... (light bulb moment)

The rules of the game: The person who most closely guesses the next catastrophe to befall Audrey wins the honor of 'Blogger Champion'. All you have to do is leave a comment as to what your guess is.

  • My guess - Audrey will uncover a suppressed memory from childhood. She will discover that she has been the victim of several alien abductions and at one point had been impregnated with an alien fetus.


Blogger Jod{i} said...

Damn THAT'S what I was going to guess!


Great blog! Came by via BE!


10:20 AM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

thanks for stopping by jod{i}. :D

11:05 AM  
Blogger Pixie said...

LOL, good one!
I reckon she will anooy you once too often and you will hit her over the head with a yellow pages.The rest of the work force will cheer, not because you did it but becaue you managed to give them a cracking cleavage shot whilst doing it.

1:25 PM  
Blogger Vodka Absolut said...

That's what happened to my Uncle!! I'm waiting for a probe to appear out of his butt.

2:01 PM  
Blogger Thomas J Wolfenden said...

You've stolen my guess!

BTW, I've still got the loofa!

3:05 PM  
Blogger :P fuzzbox said...

I would guess a devestating and possibly life altering ingrown hair on her left buttcheek.

9:59 AM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

Very good guesses everyone! I'll be sure to fill you in on the on going saga.

11:35 AM  

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