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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Like a scene out of a B rated horror flick.....

My second job has begun to scare me. I can't even begin to understand what happened last night, it's all just too bizarre. Part of me is certain it was just my over active imagination, the other part KNOWS what she heard.

It all started out normal enough. I had cleaned most of the offices and had maybe 6 more to go when I began to hear footsteps. No big deal, it's not the first time somebody has shown up to put a little work in while I've been cleaning, so I blew it off and decided I would eventually meet up with them at some point in my round.

I had made my way into the Health Food Fanatic's office when I ran out of trash can liners. Thinking this to be the perfect time to see who was in, I took the long way around and walked past each of the offices to see who was in.


The place was completely empty with the exception of my now freaked out self. Trying to talk myself into imagining the whole situation, I continued on cleaning the Health Food Fanatic's office and moved on to the Clean Freak. That is when the whistling started. From off in a distance I could hear someone whistling!

By now I was panicked! I left the office and once again circled the entire section of offices looking for the whistler.


At this point, I had decided enough was enough and I was outta there. Heading back to the far corner of the offices I systematically began turning the lights off in the offices, making my way back to the front door. As I made my way through I noticed it looked awfully light in a section that I had just been through, a section that DID NOT have any lights on before, a section that I never turn the lights on in.

In returning back to that section I see one light had been flicked on!

Let me tell you, I couldn't get out of those offices fast enough!! I have no idea what happened, or if in fact someone else WAS there while I was there, but it has scared the hell right out of me!

I'm actually scared to go back and finish up today.


Blogger Will said...

Wow Sherri, that sounds scary. Is it daylight when you do this job, because I was wondering what it would be like when the nights draw in during the winter?

Maybe it was Heino, or my new pin-up...Herbie Mann

8:30 AM  
Blogger :P fuzzbox said...

Maybe something is coming alive from the health food fanatics stash.

12:39 PM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

Ben, Oh Dear God, I just took a look at Herbie Mann! He's a sasquatch!

As for the nights, I've been wondering that myself. So far, it has always been light when I've cleaned, but I've always cleaned in the evening. I may have to change up my schedule a bit when it starts getting dark outside at 5pm, I definitely don't want to be trecking through the dark and snow to the dumpster alone. What if I happened across Heino or Herbie Mann?? LOL

fuzzbox, that is very possible!

4:42 PM  
Blogger Jessica said...

Once, I thought I was alone at work, when the printer fired up and printed out a document. I walked thru the entire building, but there wasn't anyone there but me. It totally freaked me out. Eventually I figured out that if you're working remotely and logged into the metaframe server, anything you print will print to the printer at work instead of your local printer.

11:44 PM  

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