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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Monday, August 14, 2006

Prepared for a shitstorm?

Scene: Julie and I are sitting at our desks commenting on the unearthly stench radiating out of the machinist room.

  • Me - Is it just me? Or, does Fred smell like he's rotting from the inside out. Good Lord, I walked past his room this morning and I broke out in a nauseous sweat.
  • Julie - I'm telling you, I think that man shits his pants.
  • Me - Do you think he wears a diaper?
  • Julie - Could be, girlfriend. Who in the hell would want to sit around in a pile of shit all day?
  • Me - It's just not normal.
  • Julie - You said it, girlfriend. Jeez, I feel like I'm on an episode of 'Sienfeld'.
  • Me - We could make millions. {Laughter from both.}

Fred was especially stinky today, my theory is too many boiled dinners being consumed by a 78 year old digestive track. Ack!!

How can someone be soooo rank that your nose hairs curl and act like nothing is going on?? Or, does he even know this smell is coming from HIM?? Could he be secretly assuming it is coming from other people??


Blogger Will said...

It always beats me how people who pen & ink never seem to get the message.

The only thing I can think of to solve this.
Have your work pals line up for the pretence of a photo and include Fred.

When everybody is in line,say to everyone
"Now all those that have washed this morning take a step forward" and when everyone steps forward say ", What are you doing ?"

12:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LMAO, I hope I can only be as honest as you when I go back to work.

12:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you think he'd get the hint if someone left baby wipes on his desk? LOL

1:01 PM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

ben, it gets worse... Fred is one of those dirty old man types, always hugging on the young chicks. Ack!!!!

nevada girl, he would probably walk around with the baby wipes asking everyone if they forgot them on his desk. LOL!!!

1:39 PM  
Blogger Big Mama said...

Ewww... Now we have to come up with a great nickname for "Poor Ole' Stinky Fred", LOL!!!
Diaper Dude
Oh, I got a million of em, LOL!!! So he is a stinky dirty old man *barf!*

2:32 PM  
Blogger :P fuzzbox said...

Put up a Depends collection jar. That should give him a clue.

7:22 PM  
Blogger tsduff said...

That's a hard one to deal with. Do you have an HR person at work? Maybe Fred can get called into the HR office for a kind talking to...

7:27 PM  
Blogger Pixie said...

People who smell never seem to be bothered by the fact that they stink I have found. I have yet to find out weather they are immune or just don't care?

1:59 AM  
Blogger Distant Timbers Echo said...

I agree with Pixie. There was a guy I worked around in the Navy who stank from the inside out. Just... it was on him all day. And it was definitely something he could have taken care of himself, but he just didn't.

It didn't even bother him! I dunno.

7:08 PM  

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