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Sunday, June 05, 2005

Purple Flower Moment?

I'm so mad at myself. I soaked a white shirt in bleach yesterday, and then filled the washer up to do a load. I forgot I had that shirt in there, and threw a bunch of color tops and a pair of jeans in there. I just looked in the washer to put the load in the dryer, and one of my light blue tops is bleached out to an ugly multi faceted purple color.

My eyes burned from the bleach smell as I looked in the washer, horrified at what I saw. One of my very cute summer tops was bleached to a tye dyed purple monstrosity. I look away in disbelief, I'm certain when I look back things will be normal, that it was all just a game my eyes were playing on me. I look back, nothing has changed. I'm scanning my memory, trying to understand why this had happened. Then, peeking out from underneath, I see it. The white top I had soaked in bleach the day before. I had dumped the top, bleach water and all into the washer to start a load of whites. I am suddenly overtaken with fear as I tear the remaining items out of the washer. I had filled the washer with a load of colors. I painstakingly search each item for the damages I may have caused. A flood of relief washes over my entire body after the last garment has been searched. No damages have been found on any of the clothes, with the exception of the light blue - now purple - summer top.

I had the absolute strangest dream just before I woke up. I had a dream I was having an affair of some kind with Jim C. The portion of the dream that I do remember is the two of us were at a house of some kind, and I was putting my shoes on. I was asking Jim if he would help me with something, and, he looked at me with that devious smile he has, and he said he would help me with anything I wanted. We kissed, and I got into a vehicle with him, and we were then driving somewhere. Now, this is totally bizarre, when I opened the car to get in, in my dream I was opening a car door, and it was a refrigerator inside. I mean, a literal refrigerator with food and stuff. I slid a few jars out of my way and sat down.


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