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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Friday, August 19, 2005

My Morning in 10 Seconds

  1. Seriously contemplated the rewards of a breast reduction.
  2. Kicked the pop machine when it ate my money.
  3. Harassed the vending machine guy the minute he entered the building.
  4. escalated the paperball war to include rubberbands and post it notes.
  5. Contemplated all the devious pranks I'm going to pull on Joe's desk while he's on vacation next week.
  6. Asked my entire team if they were interested in doing overtime tomorrow. (Yah, like that's going to happen.)
  7. Watched Mr. Brown Star hovering around the Production Control Managers office door.
  8. Read the 33 emails that had accumulated in my inbox between 5:30 last night and 7:00 this morning.
  9. Deleted 30 of the emails and laughed as I did it. :)
  10. Decided to just say f*uck it, and enjoy the day for what it is.


Blogger TrĂ©e said...

I love #10. Might need to steal that idea--lol. ;-)

3:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a good looking site! Aloha, Sharron Dickinson breast enhancement

6:06 PM  

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