My Morning in 10 Seconds
- Seriously contemplated the rewards of a breast reduction.
- Kicked the pop machine when it ate my money.
- Harassed the vending machine guy the minute he entered the building.
- escalated the paperball war to include rubberbands and post it notes.
- Contemplated all the devious pranks I'm going to pull on Joe's desk while he's on vacation next week.
- Asked my entire team if they were interested in doing overtime tomorrow. (Yah, like that's going to happen.)
- Watched Mr. Brown Star hovering around the Production Control Managers office door.
- Read the 33 emails that had accumulated in my inbox between 5:30 last night and 7:00 this morning.
- Deleted 30 of the emails and laughed as I did it. :)
- Decided to just say f*uck it, and enjoy the day for what it is.
I love #10. Might need to steal that idea--lol. ;-)
This is a good looking site! Aloha, Sharron Dickinson breast enhancement
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