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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Friday, August 19, 2005

The Natives are Restless

As reigning Ms. Saturday, it is one of my duties for tomorrow to obtain the donut order for my public. In doing so, I must have the receptionist call in the order today and pick up petty cash.

My first Royal controversy - whether or not to order bagels as well as donuts. The accounts payable department is giving said receptionist hell for spending petty cash on bagels and donuts. So, I say 'no bagels'.

I hunt down the tech who normally goes out to get the donuts and he gives me holy hell about the fact that there are no bagels. I stand firm. I state 'I told Barb no bagels.' He proceeds to go to the front office and mandate the receptionist order bagels. Poor Barb.

I then see disgruntled tech's manager walk past and I decide to raise awareness of the situation. Peaches (that's his nickname) looks at me in disbelief and shock that such a scandal transpired over a frigging bagel. He takes off to go take care of the disgruntled tech. (After all, we're lucky to even have the donuts approved!) Before he leaves, Peaches asks me to get with the Production Control manager about the accounts payable debacle.

As requested, I stop in at the Production Control Managers office, and explain to him that I intended no slight, but I did not order bagels, and I offended individuals. He throws his arms up in despair and says 'what next. We provide them with donuts, they want bagels. This is just getting out of hand.'


Blogger lookingbusy said...

Those bastards! No bagels? That is an outrage! Who wants to eat a crappy donut. And don't even tell me that you are going to be eating those crappy Krusty Kreme piles either, gross. I feel bad for you.

5:07 PM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

Nope, don't normally eat donuts. It's just too early in the morning to ingest that much sugar. I'd be comatose by 10:00 am.

5:15 PM  
Blogger Crazy Me said...

How can you choose donuts over bagels, that's what I want to know ... no competition. Bagels win, hands down!!

7:26 PM  
Blogger Lindsey said...

Ha! That's hysterical! You know, you can't win for losing. Next week let them buy their own damn breakfast.

8:12 PM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

Donuts have been the staple for Saturdays for as long as we've been working overtime on Saturdays. I'm not sure where the bagels came into the scene. Reason for choosing donuts over bagels has nothing to do with my preferences. (I would actually choose the bagels) It has everything to do with the cost of bagels vs donuts. Only $30 in petty cash. 44 employees, not including myself, working tomorrow. We get a better deal on the donuts then we do on the bagels.

8:21 PM  
Blogger mal said...

as far as no bagels go? !@#$@ the bean counters, tell them to come in on Saturday and tell the folks that show up on weekends that they can not have bagels because they (the bean counters) are CHEAP

getting the employees to come in voluntarily for the cost of donuts AND bagels is money well spent

9:20 AM  

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