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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Friday, August 12, 2005

Oh, Woe is Me

What a horrible week. Again. I tried like heck to have a good week but I just can't get the appropriate spin on it.

Zona is going to be back in about 10 minutes to work on the corrective action that the receiving department got for receiving incorrect components in. My head aches just thinking about it. The parts were received in, placed on boards, visually inspected by our customer engineers (ugh!) and it was found that they were incorrect. Should have had green led's and they don't. The woman who received them feels absolutely horrible, worse now because I informed her of the corrective action. Not in a bad way, I'm never horrible to my people. Just in a matter of fact, this is how it is way. I always end the conversation on a positive note though. Today's conversation, the last thing I told her was 'Mary, you've received over 860 receipts this month, don't let this one incident pull you down. Your an excellent receiver, and stuff happens. Just let me worry about the corrective action.'

After the conversation, I have to say, she felt a lot better. She was still beating herself up over receiving parts in wrong, and that was before I was even notified of the corrective action.

I just hope this weekend gets better.


Update: Mary is in tears. She feels absolutely horrible about the whole ordeal. I just briefed the pilot solution to the corrective action with them, and her eyes are all red and bloodshot. I guess we are our own worst enemy. I'm the one under the microscope, answering a corrective action, and explaining the circumstance that led to us failing in our duty, and I don't feel a bit upset about it at all. I'm pretty sure that Mary is more upset about the problems she has created for me then she is about the actual receipt of the wrong part. I have tried to convince her once again that this stuff happens, and let me worry about the aftermath. That's why I'm here.


Blogger Crazy Me said...

You must be a good supervisor. Good for you. There are too many people out there in positions of power that rely on abuse and negativity to make themselves feel more important and in control. I'm glad to see you aren't one of them.

4:51 PM  

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