Move over John Travolta!
The song from 'Grease' is playing on the radio! LOL
What a day, we're all back here doing disco moves, like lunatics. But, we're having fun for the first time in a few weeks. :D
Interesting side note: I was absolutely head over heels in love with John Travolta when I was 5 years old. I also wanted to be a 'Sweathog'.
What a day, we're all back here doing disco moves, like lunatics. But, we're having fun for the first time in a few weeks. :D
Interesting side note: I was absolutely head over heels in love with John Travolta when I was 5 years old. I also wanted to be a 'Sweathog'.
Oh, my. I never knew. I suppose that's b/c when we were in high school, Travolta was very uncool. As I recall, things didn't pick up for him until "Pulp Fiction" in 1994.
You are allowed to listen to a radio at work?! Wow!
I'm beginning to wonder how much work actually gets done at your workplace, haha. j/k. I know you work hard.
I love that movie and all the songs.. but I have to draw the line at disco dancing. I might pull a muscle or something.
Yes Gareth, we're allowed to listen to the radio, but I really don't think they intended on having us dance! LOL
Duff, sometimes you just gotta cut loose. Otherwise, you lose your sanity.
Jessica, Being in love with John Travolta was probably the last thing I would have confessed to in High School.
Cut loose - isn't that Kevin Bacon style? That I can and do - but disco - no chance.
John Travolta was a big deal in the 70s. Welcome Back Kotter, Saturday Night Fever, and who can forget that he released an actual single, "Gotta Let Her Go."
He waned in the middle, late 80s, and did make that comeback with Pulp Fiction.
I used to love Kevin Bacon too!! LOL
I remember the first time I seen Travolta after so many years. I was horrified at how he looked.... he would never be an object of my adoration again.
Maybe "Let Her In"? Fortunately, I've never heard of that one, so I guess I won't be longing to forget it. Of course, it apparently came out in 1976, when I was a newborn, so maybe I heard it and now it's permanently seared upon my subconscious.
What do you mean - didn't you like him in "Michael"? I did :-)
I forgot about 'Michael', that was such a good movie. He did look pretty good in that movie. Oh, that movie where he had the brain tumor, I loved that movie too. I can't remember what it was called now.
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