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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Like a frog wearing pants.....

We spent quite a bit of time discussing elderly male fashion in today's production managers meeting. Apparently fleece throws, recliners, and sweat clothes have become all the rage! All the managers fathers are sporting them these days. (Except mine. I have no idea what he's sporting these days. I haven't seen him since I was 25. Plus, he's not quite as old as my coworkers fathers, this year he will be 53.)

What pray tell did they wear for the holidays? Let me share!

  • Jim's dad wore brown polyester pants with an orange and green short sleeved plaid shirt, complete with bow tie and cane. Hanging gracefully with flair and style around his armpits, the brown polyester pants were just short enough to reveal the festive red and green Christmas tree socks. What woman can resist such a stylish man?
  • Deb's dad had a walk on the wild side, mixing red and green plaid pants with a red and blue plaid shirt. Have fleece will travel for this man, he comes complete with a travel fleece throw. Just make sure you have the recliner!
  • Keith's dad, I believe, chose the less is more option. Who needs to worry about what to wear? Sitting in the recliner wearing a t-shirt and underwear works just fine! Add a beer to the coaster and an occasional belch and he's happier then hell.

What did your father wear for Christmas?? Inquiring minds would love to know.


Blogger Jay Noel said...

I will tell you what he did NOT wear - anything with polyester or plaid. What a funny wardrobe these guys must have.

10:25 AM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

Well, they are in their 70's. :D

10:37 AM  
Blogger Jessica said...

My dad is 50. He wore normal guy clothes. No fun at all.

10:43 AM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

He hasn't morphed into a geezer yet Jessica. Give him a few years to fully evolve. LOL

10:48 AM  
Blogger Jillian said...

My father wore what he ALWAYS wears - A red-plaid overshit with a white shirt underneath, complete with jeans.

Although I am 19 and still with my parents, you get the idea. My father is getting older (he is turning 52 this year!) he still wears his plaid shirts...

4:48 PM  

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