If I could grant you 3 wishes, what would they be?
Yes, indeed, I have my genie shoes on again today.
Thinking perhaps the attention would have died down by now, I wore them today. I was totally incorrect on that assumption!
My Wishes
Thinking perhaps the attention would have died down by now, I wore them today. I was totally incorrect on that assumption!
My Wishes
- Win a large enough sum of money that would allow me to live comfortably for the rest of my life
- Get a kick ass job that doesn't require me to do performance evaluations (I have 6 evals to brief this month, absolutely one of the most dreaded parts of my job)
- Go to a tropical resort and vacation for a month (I'm am sooooo in need of a little rest and relaxation)
Really, I don't have anything I'd really wish for. I've got good friends, my health and my sanity... That and I'm happy for the first time in a long time.
I really couldn't ask for anything really.
Except maybe get rid of all the stupid people in the world.
But then it's be really, really lonely.
My 3 would be ...
To build a house in the country.
To be a self made millionaire. More satisfaction that way rather than simply winning the lottery, although that would be nice too.
To have good health.
ranger tom, not even a selfish wish??
gareth, your wishes granted. :D
I'd like a juicy hamburger and steak fries...either that or I'd wish for a cure for all cancers.
phoenix, I could go for a hamburger right now too. Wishes granted! :D
ben, awww.... that's so sweet. Your wish is definitely granted. LOL
I like your wishes except #2. I like doing them. Paybacks are a bitch. Muhahahaha.
fuzzbox, I envy you. It's so tough for me to sit one on one with a person and go over performance reviews.
1. a man
2. a million dollars
3. my own island
Ok... Selfish wishes...
1) A Billion Dollars
2) Another Billion Dollars
3) No stupid people
Wow, this is harder than I thought it would be...
1. Live long enough to meet my great grandchildren...
2. Have endless amounts of money so I will only work because I want to not because I HAVE to.
3. That my hubby is there with me to join in my #1 wish.
I know corny & dorky but hey I can't help it. LOL!!! Please grant me at least one of the wishes 'Pretty Please With Sugar and Martinis on top???'
Your such a softie :)
Oh, great wishes!! Everyone's wishes granted! :D
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