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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

32 Candles for Me

Yes, that's correct, I'll be turning 32 tomorrow, believe it or not. Most of the time I still feel like a teenager, then I see my kids and realize I'm most certainly not. LOL!!

I had the most awesome day yesterday, so good I didn't dare blog about it, for fear of jinxing myself. It started with the visit from the corporate purchasing manager. He was absolutely thrilled with my metrics and reports that I had created for my areas. I was so excited! He had even asked me if I had gotten with my counterparts in the other facilities to pass along what I had created and develop some best practices.

Dare I say I love getting recognition for my hard work?? It sure does feel good.

So, with the corporate purchasing manager visit completed, I had only to worry about the customer visit that was also scheduled for yesterday, which went off as planned as well. Another excellent customer audit under my belt, if I may brag.

Lastly, I had my dentist appointment yesterday afternoon, another great check up, 4 cleanings now without a cavity. As my dentist stated yesterday, "oh, we have another perfect visit from you. Looking great, keep it up!"

I love days like that! Too bad they can't all be so great.

So, on with the birthday ramblings. I show up for work today and see helium balloons floating from above my desk. The girls had all pitched in and bought a huge veggie platter, Mary made a huge pan of marshmallow topped brownies, and I was serenaded all the way to my desk. I thought I was going to die. Embarrassed as hell, but, it was so sweet, I loved it. I purposely took tomorrow off as a vacation day so I wouldn't have to deal with stuff, and, the scums! The did it anyway, one day early.

And, contrary to popular belief, I do not plan to spend my vacation day tomorrow skinny dipping. (This theory courtesy of the production managers from this mornings production managers meeting.)

One note to remember: When purchasing a veggie platter, it is not a good idea to put horseradish dip in there. Ack! I'll be breathing fire for the next two weeks.

I have so much more to write about, I'll have to save it for another time, this post has become quite lengthy. I'll just leave you with one last thought.

It's really amazing how one act of kindness can totally make your day, just a small token of friendship can mean more then anything else that happens that day. The sad thing about all that, the one person who should be doing stuff like that for me (my husband) will be the one person who doesn't do any of that for me. I can guarantee you, as I'm sitting here typing this, that tomorrow I will spend the day by myself, I will not receive any flowers, I will not receive a gift of any kind, Charlie will not come home from work before 8:00 pm, and I will be depressed as hell because I mean so little to the people I should mean so much too.

Hopefully you all will remember that last little tidbit of information and take it to heart.


Blogger Jessica said...

Maybe it's because you always go together to buy Christmas presents for each other. Tell him you expect him to go out and buy a birthday present for you. I know, I know. You shouldn't have to tell him, but sometimes guys just can't figure it out. Like this past Mother's Day. As far as I'm concerned, it was my first Mother's Day, even though the baby isn't here yet. In fact, in our childbirth education class, the instructor made a point of telling all the guys that they'd better recognize their significant others on Mother's Day because "she's a mother now." Did he do anything or even wish me a happy Mother's Day? Please. Not a chance. When I finally got on his case later that night, he actually admitted that he thought about wishing me a Happy Mother's Day that morning but didn't. I wanted to strangle him.

11:09 AM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

I didn't get a thing on Mother's Day. I didn't even get out of my pajama's that day. Zach was the only one to even recognize it was mother's day, it was horrible.

I'm at a crossroads right now, I'm seriously not happy with life. I've done things that I later realized were cries for help and just didn't recognize it in the process. (You know what I'm talking about Jessica.)

I don't see things changing for the better anytime soon, so, I have to go forth and make the changes myself. I can't continue down the path that I'm on, it's extremely self destructive, and I'm afraid.

Yikes! Long comment! I've just been doing soooo much thinking lately, and evaluating what I have become.

11:26 AM  
Blogger :P fuzzbox said...

I am glad that you had a good day. I could certainly use a few. I hope your fears are unfounded and you have a great day tomorrow. Happy Birthday. Aaahhh to be 32 again. Listen to me, I am talking like an old man. Have a great day.

11:55 AM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

thanks fuzzbox, I hope you have a great day tomorrow too!

11:58 AM  
Blogger Vodka Absolut said...


Sending hugs from Detroit...

I say, treat yourself to something. I hate to think you will sit at home on your birthday!

3:47 PM  
Blogger tsduff said...

Well, I've had birthdays like that (my 21st was spend at home, alone, with baby in bed, crying). Actually I'm hoping my big 50 this year will be equally UNEVENTFUL, as the surprise thing just makes me flee in terror! I hope your birthday surprises you pleasantly - wishing you good times and sweet thoughts.

By the way - my bed from Maine came today.... and went. I'll tell you about the bed-from-hell experience to match yours someday. (the saga hasn't ended yet).

7:14 PM  
Blogger Crazy Me said...

Happy birthday to you!!

1:19 AM  
Blogger Thomas J Wolfenden said...

Happy B-Day Sherri!

7:41 AM  

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