What's the most embarrassing thing to happen to you today?
Me? Why, I put a quarter in the coin operated feminine hygiene product dispenser, it crashed to the floor, crushing my foot, pads and tampons flew everywhere. Now I'm limping.
Try explaining that one on the 'reporting a work place accident' form.
Try explaining that one on the 'reporting a work place accident' form.
Wow.. they're up to a quarter now?
Got my embarrassing thing today beat by a mile and a half. Hope your toes are okay.
The attack of the killer tampax...
jack, it's highway robbery! :D
ranea, I would prefer to remain anonymous.
fuzzbox, so, what IS your embarrassing moment??
ranger tom, killer tampax.... I can totally see a B rated horror flick come out of that. LOL
Oh my Sherri, that is horrible but why am I laughing? I'm sorry about your foot. Ha ha ha I can't help it... the picture in my head is too funny!
I had a chili cheesedog for lunch. Need I say more?
I shouldn't laugh but OMG that's pretty funny!!
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