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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Friday, May 12, 2006

The Results are In

An overwhelming 70% of you out there have requested to hear about the my experience as I peered through Helen's snapshots.

Be prepared.

  • Helen is a pack rat. There is absolutely no doubt about it. The first picture I happened to see was of her living room, and, I swear to God, she had a bed set up in her living room. When I asked about the bed, she began to tell me about the room that she can no longer use because the floor is caving in and the foundation is crumbling. From what I understand, she was told the value of her home is so low, nobody would finance her for the repairs. (She did tell me the value of her home, and, to tell the truth, after seeing pictures, I'm shocked it's not condemned.)
  • All of Helen's sons have been in prison for one reason or another, one is currently still there. Oddly enough, according to Helen, they have all been imprisoned unjustly. (Even the one that is currently locked up for breaking into a man's house and nearly beating him to death. Apparently, her son had been teased and provoked by this guy. Hmmmm......)
  • Helen's husband was WELL endowed by mother nature. (In Helen's own words.) beaming with pride, she handed me a photo of him in a speedo, and proceeded to tell me all the woman were after him, she was very lucky that he chose only her to be with. Let me just say, this photo left nothing to the imagination. If I may indulge one last fact, Helen still wears her husbands wedding ring on a chain around her neck. The ring size? It's a size 22.
  • Lastly, I just wanted to add, I really like working with Helen. She's a sweet person who definitely keeps me on my toes with her odd behaviors and bizarre stories she tells, but, after seeing these photos, I can really understand her unusual and often times irritating personality. (For instance, today she returned back from break, the front of her smock wet. She had spilled syrup all over it while she ate her french toast sticks, and proceeded to tell me a 10 minute story about it. Yikes!) She has not had an easy life. I have to give her a ton of credit.


Blogger :P fuzzbox said...

I hope that her sons remember Mothers Day this weekend. She must be a saint to believe their stories and keep faith with them.

12:42 PM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

I hope they do too fuzzbox.

3:11 PM  
Blogger Big Mama said...

She is odd but fascinating bless her little heart. ...and I am proud of you for not judging her. I too hope that her sons remember her this Mother's Day.

11:01 PM  
Blogger Thomas J Wolfenden said...

Sherri, don't you know that NO BODY is guilty in jail!

They've all been framed!

7:01 AM  

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