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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Thursday, May 04, 2006

And the plot thickens.....

After an hour and a half of tortureous back breaking havoc, I gave up. The rails that were delivered with my bed would not fit into the headboard and footboard, that was all there was to it. I've put beds together before, I know what reasonable force is required to assemble a fricken bed. These rails just don't go to this bed, no if's or and's about it.

By the end Charlie and I had gotten into a knock down, drag out fight that left me in crying hysterics in the down stairs bathroom. Not a good thing.

Strike one!

I made up my mind this morning and called the furniture store where I purchased the set. I explained to the guy that I had tried for an hour and a half to get this bed put together, and it just wasn't happening. He then told me he was not the sales guy who sold me the set, I would have to wait until he arrived to settle things.

Strike two!

When the sales man returned my call he began by telling me different options I had available to me. (Options like 'I don't necessarily need to use the headboard footboard/I can put the bed on a metal frame in the interim/we can change out the rails with metal cheapies in the interim'.) This set off an immediate red flag. I then inquire about the color difference. I make a reference to the fact that I don't feel the rails that were sent actually went to that particular headboard and footboard.

He blew up, raised his voice, and stated "I am not a liar!"

Strike Three!

He did lie to me. I could absolutely tell by his response that he had been planning to pull a fast one on me, I busted him when the rails would not even fit in the head/footboards, and he did not like it one bit.

Not to brag, or anything, but I do feel one of my strong points is communication. I am an expert at sounding calm, cool, collected. I know all the appropriate returns and responses. I was in excellent form today. In a calm yet matter-of-fact response, I merely stated "I am only stating a fact. I have put a million beds together in my days. After an hour and a half of trying to put this bed together it still remains on my floor unassembled. The rails do not match this set."

Silence on the other end of the phone.

"If possible, I would like to just return the entire set. Would this be an issue?" I had changed the direction of the conversation and taken command. He had agreed that I should return the set, that the delivery people would be out to get it tomorrow. I then ask if I need to come to the office to pick up my refund.

No joke, this guy actually said "Now, I'm not trying to swindle you out of anything or anything......" and basically told me the money would need to come from the Grayling office and hopefully he would have the check for me tomorrow. I was in shock. He really believed I would allow for them to pick up the bed and not refund me my money back?? There was a tone of disbelief in my voice.

"So, what you're saying is, I should let you come and take away a piece of furniture that I have made payment in full for, and not expect to get my money back until you receive it at your office?"

"No, no.... I don't foresee any issues with this. I'm sure I can get the money back from the Graying office, I will be able to send it out with the driver that picks up the set."

When I had ended the conversation, at 9:15 this morning, he had stated that he would call me back with confirmation of this deal. It is now 11:22, I have not heard a single peep from Jack.

I am not surprised.

As a result of all this termoil, I was notified by one of my receiving girls that I looked very tired today, in fact, she's never seen me look so horrible. How nice is that?? Gotta love those brutally honest people out there, don't ya.


Blogger Thomas J Wolfenden said...

Reason # 12,659 on why I feel the world would be a far better place without all the people.

Or at least be allowed to shoot one person a week.

12:02 PM  
Blogger Big Mama said...

Oh I LIKE Ranger Tom's idea!!! We can change Thursdays to "Shoot-a-goober-who-is-breathing-up-all-the-good-air Day" Yeah! I like it! I also love hearing stories of people who take charge and kick butt!

12:08 PM  
Blogger :P fuzzbox said...

What a moron. You should report that guy to his home office and if they don't do anything about it I would turn them in to the BBB.

12:22 PM  
Blogger Read This said...

You guys have beds up there? What, indoor plumbing is next? LOL. Hope you get it straightened out, the salesman sounds like a punk. Not a fan of punks...

12:47 PM  
Blogger Jessica said...

You need to tell us what lame-ass furniture store is screwing you over. That way, those of us who live close by can boycott it.

1:05 PM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

ranger tom, I don't think I could stop at just one. LOL

big mama, thanks! I like to feel that I've kicked major butt today! :D

fuzzbox, good idea!! Depending on how tomorrow goes, I may just call that home office!

thomas, acually, I was thinking maybe I would give up the dirt floors next. LOL

jessica, never EVER go to The Comfort Center and buy anything. You'll regret it. I should have known, just the name sounds totally cheesy.

1:25 PM  
Blogger DaMasta said...

Holy crap! that would have pissed me the fark off! i love catching idiots off guard and putting them in their place. especially being single, men think they can swindle you out of anything. but not me! i'll put you in your place.


4:24 PM  
Blogger tsduff said...

You tell em Sherri. I await my own bed saga when mine is finally delivered. Are you going to order another bed? HA HA

4:57 PM  
Blogger tsduff said...

Oh, and nice counter BTW :-)

4:59 PM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

damasta, you go girl!!

terry, good luck on your saga! LOL! I do plan on going shopping again this weekend to see if I can find something that I like in Traverse City. And, yeah, I totally STOLE your counter idea! :D Thanks!

7:27 AM  

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