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Friday, May 05, 2006

Birthday Card

I received a birthday card from my mom a few days age. I couldn't really bring myself to open it until last night, though. I hate it when I get anything from her.

There was no return address on the card, just a note on the back side of the envelope that said money enclosed. (Brilliant, isn't she.) On the inside, just a card, a $20 bill, and air. No greeting, no signature, no nothing.

As I was standing there, looking at the card, I realized something kind of disturbing. I have no feelings what-so-ever for this woman. I no longer hate her with every fiber of my being. I haven't felt love for her in years. I don't even feel a connection with her out of familial bond.


Blogger Read This said...

But hey...20 bucks is 20 bucks. It might get you a gallon or two of gas. Sad to hear about you and your mom though, but good to hear you don't blame yourself...(at least it did not seem like it in the post.)

9:05 AM  
Blogger Jessica said...

She actually wrote "money enclosed" on the envelope? Good lord.

Speaking of money and slightly messed up family members, did your brother ever pick up the money you sent via Western Union?

9:34 AM  
Blogger Jay Noel said...

The bond between mother and child is the it takes pretty heavy trauma to sever that - which is what it seems to be in your case.

You should take the $20 and go buy some ice cream.

10:11 AM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

thomas, My mom and I have not had a good relationship, ever. It's something that I carry with me, though, and use. I will never treat my kids the way I was treated as a child.

jessica, I'm serious as a heart attack, that is exactly what she wrote. As for my brother, it's like he has disappeared off the face of the earth. Never claimed the money, I haven't heard back, I don't know what to think.

phoenix, I'm taking the $20 and buy some new sandals with it. :D

10:37 AM  
Blogger :P fuzzbox said...

By writing money enclosed on the back of it, it's like she was trying to get someone to snag it. Maybe you should consider receiving it as a birthday miracle.

10:51 AM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

fuzzbox, you know, I've always wanted a birthday miracle! LOL

11:21 AM  
Blogger Jessica said...

Birthday miracle! Fuzzbox is right on! It really was a birthday miracle.

2:02 PM  
Blogger Big Mama said...

Wow, that's pretty heavy... I am so glad you are starting fresh with your kids and not repeating your past. It's so hard to break the negative cycle.
Writing on the envelope reminds me of the time I wrote "photo's enclosed (for your eyes only)" on an envelope when my hubby was in basic training.... Lets just say when the other soldiers met me, I was instantly famous and I got a standing ovation, LOL!!!

4:42 PM  

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