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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Saturday, May 20, 2006

The older I get......

the harder it is to go to work on zero sleep with a hangover.

Because of the inclement weather on Thursday, Charlie had gotten rained out at work and ended up coming home early! I got to go out after all!

As soon as he got home I started getting ready. The plans? We were going out to dinner at Big Buck Brewery, then have a few beers at Timothy's Pub. Let me tell you, THAT was an experience.

Dinner went so well, I was actually beginning to wonder if Charlie had become abducted by pod people. No rude comments, no horrendous manners, he even shaved and dressed up for the occasion. (He wore his charcoal grey slacks and a black button front shirt. I haven't seen him wear this outfit since the last funeral we went to!)

With dinner over, it was time to make our way to Timothy's. We arrived at 8:30, found our table, and ordered a couple of beers. The place was filling up fast, the band would be starting in a half hour.

That's when the loud mouth arrived. This guy was so irritating I was literally on the edge of my seat watching him as he pissed off one person at a time throughout the entire bar. He must have been an insurance salesman, he continually talked about money, and how people never are prepared for the inevitable. And he was loud!

Around 3 beers into the night the loud mouth sees a really thin, fairly pretty girl enter the bar and get a draft beer from the bar. With nowhere to sit, she stands in the doorway behind me and leans into the wall to watch the band. (She knew the band, I'm fairly certain, because later on in the evening she had gone up and hugged a couple of the members.) So, loudmouth, who is sitting one table over from me, says to the girl "hey baby, how about you come on over here and give me a lap dance like you did the other night."

I almost died! She pretended not to hear him, so he says it again, only this time louder! Everyone at the table with him is staring right at her. At this point she casually turns, still acting as if she didn't hear him, and walks in toward the dance floor, sitting on the edge of the table where the band had set up camp.

And this was just the beginning.

He had continued on as the evening progressed by offering to let the waitress sit on his lap because she looked like she needed a break. He had told one woman, right in front of her boyfriend/husband, he would like to try her out for the evening. I had even caught him looking at me a couple of times (thank God I had Charlie there), I had no idea what to do, so I just smiled and turned to look at the band.

The one thing that bothered me most about that man, he had a great big giant wedding band on his finger. I couldn't help but feel sorry for his wife.

The band itself wasn't the best. They slaughtered so many songs, I almost couldn't even watch them. If it wasn't for the singer chick constantly making an ass of herself, I probably wouldn't have. At several points in the evening, while in the midst of a song, she literally pulled her skirt up to her armpits. Seriously. The skirt itself touched the floor, so, it wasn't like she was showing anything, but, get real! Who does something like that in the middle of a song?

Then she sang a Janice Joplin song and it was awesome! I couldn't believe it! If they would have just stuck with the music they could do, it would have been a whole lot better.

Needless to say, I had a really good time on my birthday, probably one of the funnest days I've had in a long time. Thanks to all of you guys who had wished me a happy birthday, it worked!!


Blogger Thomas J Wolfenden said...

I'm glag you had a good time on your B-day!

Maybe, just Maybe I'll blog about my last Friday night in town...

Or maybe not...

10:31 AM  
Blogger DaMasta said...

Glad you had a great night, Sherri!

How crazy was that drunk dood? I mean really.. why didn't they throw him out? Was he wasted? Thank gawd it didn't ruin your night. :D

5:01 PM  
Blogger Big Mama said...

YAY!!! You deserved a great night! Just think next year will be even better because you have to top this one! I am so glad you had fun. Next time you see rude-dude just casually stick your foot out when he walks by so he falls on his face (just a thought)....

8:33 PM  
Blogger Jay Noel said...

Sounds like you had a great birthday. Funny how Charlie wore the same outfit he wore for your birthday celebration as the one he wore for a funeral!

9:30 PM  
Blogger :P fuzzbox said...

I can't picture Janis pulling her skirt up like that.

10:45 PM  
Blogger Read This said...

I usually handle the drunk ones pretty well, when it's not me...but that has been a while. I was bouncing the other night, and a gal I had dated only once came from Kzoo to where I was working and all she did the whole night was flash her breasts to anyone that would look. After a while, I actually had to tell her to keep her shirt on...enough is enough...we get have

9:27 PM  

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