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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Monday, May 22, 2006

What a kid....

My oldest son has gotten himself kicked off the bus, he called a 3rd grade girl an f****** b****.

I'm horrified, actually. He chose to do so on my birthday, he chuckled when he told me, and didn't really think it was a big deal. I just can't believe it, sometimes, that I raised him to become this way! I'm embarrassed!

It doesn't really stop there.

So, last weekend, I see a pair of underwear lying in the middle of my front yard. My front yard! People have been driving past my house all day and there is a pair of underwear lying right in the center of my yard.

"Why is there underwear in the front yard?" I ask, looking directly at Zach. I just knew they were his.

"They were in the grill, I thought I threw them in the garbage, the dog must have gotten them," Charlie says. Meanwhile, I'm thinking to myself, the grill that you are at this very moment cooking on??

"What were they doing in the grill???" I'm losing my patience as I see Zach giggling.

"I threw them out my window and they fell in the grill." What the hell???? Why would he throw a pair of underwear out his window???

I'm at a loss, I have no idea what has become of this kid! Everyday it's something new. Today I enter his room and find several of my CD's lying all over his floor. And, I'm not talking about CD's in cases either, just disk on carpet. Ugh!! I wanted to kill him.

He gets so angry about his brother taking his stuff, yet he feels no problems whatsoever going into my closet and taking my personal belongings.

At times, I would like to just kick his ass, swear to God. He should be thankful I'm not like that!


Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

ben, I've actually started doing a little of that myself. I have a bakers rack in my kitchen that tends to become a collect all. When I get tired of it, I tell everyone they had better get their stuff or it'll be gone when they come looking.

And, I mean business too. I'll keep that stuff for months.

10:46 AM  
Blogger Jay Noel said...

Sounds like you're going to have to become Darth Vader for a little bit in order to get his ass in line.

You should make him write a letter of apology to that girl.

1:02 PM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

phoenix, that is VERY good advice, in fact, I'm going to have him do just that.

1:34 PM  
Blogger :P fuzzbox said...

What is it with kids and cd's? I am constantly on my step-daughter as she uses them as wall decorations hanging from nails.

1:48 PM  
Blogger Big Mama said...

Wow! Welcome to my world... Little Man is and has been a royal pain in my butt for quite some time. Just think mine is 11 and thinks surfing porn is "A-OK"... *heavy sigh*... I think that it is a good idea to write a note to apologize to the little girl and I also think he needs to write one to the bus driver for making him/her have to stop and take care of him and his situation when all the bus driver gets paid to do is drive the bus. Good luck my friend and remember that you are not alone, I'm right there with you...

8:12 PM  
Blogger Crazy Me said...

Thank you for reminding me why I don't have children!!!!

11:33 PM  
Blogger Read This said...

Yup, he has to be taught you cannot treat anyone that it girl or boy...might be time to take him out to the you guys still have woodsheds up there in the tundra?

11:58 PM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

fuzzbox, kids just don't have any concept of the almightly dollar. If they had to buy this stuff out of their money, it would be a totally different story.

ranea, you're so right.

big mama, OMG! Porn?? I don't even want to think about that one...

crazy me, you're welcome! LOL

thomas, contrary to popular belief, most of us 'northerners' don't have wood sheds. :D

6:16 AM  
Blogger tsduff said...

Sherri, I don't miss those days too much! My kids have problems of a different nature now... boyfriends, finances, drama... the misery never ends...

4:19 PM  

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