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Thursday, June 15, 2006

Dingos and Crack Cream

One of the many curses I've been so fortunate to inherit from my family is my grandmother's sandpaper feet.

I can still remember perfectly the sound of velcro ripping as her feet made their way across the carpeted floor, silently cringing as the noise made my skin crawl.

In my quest to find the perfect foot cream, I was informed by one of my employees of a 'miracle cure' for rough dry feet, a product made by Sally Hansen called 18 Hour Cracked Foot Cream. Granted, the thought of putting something on my feet that goes by the name of 'crack cream' doesn't really give me warm fuzzies, but, hey, what the heck. I'll give it a shot, anything to avoid sandpaper feet.

So, Thomas and I stop at Wal Mart yesterday in search of this crack cream. I looked high, I looked low, I chased Thomas around for 10 minutes then decided to get help from someone who works there. (Shopping with a 3 year old who is NOT in a cart is a recipe for disaster, take my word for it.)

I bet you're wonder what all this has to do with dingos, don't you. :D

Here comes the connection.

After I finally found an employee who had a clue to the maddening lay out of the cosmetics department, she fell in love with Thomas, telling me he was absolutely the cutest thing she'd ever seen. She knelt down to his level and asked him his name.

His reply?

"The dingo ate my baby." I almost died!!

"It's from the Seinfeld commercial, the one where Elaine says 'the dingo ate your baby'," I'm certain this woman thought I was insane. I couldn't stop laughing. Why in the world he has decided to pick up a phrase like that escapes me!

I'm sure she'll forever remember us as 'The Crack Cream Woman' and 'Dingo Boy'.


Blogger :P fuzzbox said...

Kids pick up the craziest things. At least he didn't curse.

11:09 AM  
Blogger Big Mama said...

Well, did you ever get the crack cream?!?!

We still love dingo-boy.

12:24 PM  
Blogger Jessica said...

Maybe try Zim's Crack Cream instead.

1:34 PM  
Blogger Jay Noel said...

When I see "crack cream" I'm thinking of a different kind of cream.

2:40 PM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

fuzzbox, not yet, anyway. I didn't get it until just recently. I can say, though, I'll never let it get to the point that my feet velcro themselves to carpet.

big mama, I did find the cream. I've used it twice now, it seems to be doing the trick.

jessica, I'll try that one next. LOL!

phoenix, Yikes!!

2:58 PM  
Blogger Pixie said...

LOL That was funny.

3:09 PM  
Blogger tsduff said...

Did you see Meryl Streep's stellar performance in "The Dingo Ate My Baby"? It was a movie from very down under.

6:23 PM  
Blogger LBseahag said...

That is hilarious...hey, I see a future comedian coming on!

11:33 PM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

terry, I have seen the movie. Very good movie!

seahag, hmmm.... very promising.

ranea, I have recently started using a pumice stone, I bought it the same day I bought the foot cream. It's working wonders.

8:05 AM  

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