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How was my day? Let me tell you....

Monday, July 24, 2006

Ugh! Monday again!

I'm a tad depressed these days. I can't even think of anything funny to write about.

Friday was the first day I cleaned offices on my own, have I mentioned how much I hate cleaning offices?

Friday I get there like normal, offices empty, and begin cleaning. Nothing out of the norm, I begin with the lunch area and wash the coffee cups, etc.

I got a surprise phone call from a friend which did make my day, and I chatted for a bit before returning back to work.

It was about 2 hours after I got off the phone when the office started filling back up again.

What the hell??

To say I was frustrated was the least of it. One by one people were hunting me down to let me know they were just stopping in for a minute or two to do 'one last thing'. Which meant, after they left again, I had to go back into their offices and wipe the fingerprints back off their desks and empty their trashes again. Nothing like cleaning an office twice, I have to say.

I have noticed one very odd thing, I must say. These people are complete strangers to me, yet they feel the need to fill me in on the most mundane details of their life. For instance, the guy who had taken his son to the walk-in clinic for a sports physical. I can honestly say that was not the highlight of my day, yet there he stood with a smile on his face happily chatting away about it.

I'm a complete stranger to the guy!

At least one thing comes out of my second job, it has given me a topic to discuss on my blog. You definitely learn a lot about a person when you clean their office.


Blogger :P fuzzbox said...

I can just imagine some of the stuff that you could learn. And I bet you would like to unlearn some of it quick.

3:02 PM  
Blogger Big Mama said...

Keep your chin up, just remember you have all of us!?! Is that a ggo thing or a bad thing? LOL!!!

3:43 PM  
Blogger Will said...

Methinks there's some lurid stories coming up.

You've got the sort of face that people trust Sherri, that's why they tell you their stories.

Cheer up, and I hope this week gets better.

3:45 PM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

fuzzbox, so far, so good. Nothing I'd want to unlearn yet. ;)

big mama, of course that's a good thing! I love your comments, they always brighten my day.

Ben, methinks there are some juicy stories coming up! ;) As far as the face that people trusts, I think your right. For some reason people just want to unload on me, must be my charming smile.

4:03 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Ok 2 things ...

If the people come back late again next week just leave their office and move to the next one because what difference is 10 or 15 mins of extra mess going to make to the next 7 days of mess. Comprende lol?

Whether you clean something once or five times you will still get paid the same amount so there is no point in killing yourself for nothing.

This was a public service announcement brought to you by the Irish Leprechaun Society :p

5:42 PM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

Those are some very wise words, Gareth. But, here's the thing, the owner of the cleaning company (my boss) walks the offices one Sunday evening a month, I never know what evening it will be, so I don't want to disappoint her with my work.

6:05 PM  
Blogger Will said...

I've moved home Sherri,

I'm doing a joint blog with an American called Will.

Hope you're well.

2:47 PM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

thanks for the heads up Ben. :D

3:05 PM  
Blogger tsduff said...

Sherri - I'm hip. I don't clean offices per say, but it is actually in my job description to do dishes every night before leaving the office... everybody's dishes. If they don't have them in the kitchen by the time I'm doing them, last thing before I leave at 5:30pm, then tough.

7:38 PM  

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